Probably not enough space in the jails for every idiot in Tennessee who fires off a gun for no reason.
Probably not enough space in the jails for every idiot in Tennessee who fires off a gun for no reason.
Answer: Pretty much everything.
So, you sat with the devil.
Same here. I like playing games, but have always found watching others play to be akin to watching paint dry.
Every time someone uses “Deus Ex Machina” wrong, I get the feeling they get their critical perspective from CinemaSins.
The damsel in distress thing was added late in the game due to her pregnancy.
Given that the humor is the only thing that is getting praised in this movie - it would seem it does.
Because he couldn’t salvage someone else’s dumpster fire? How ridiculous.
One whole person is “everybody?”
If he had grown and changed, he’d accept responsibility. Instead, he tried to get it wiped from his record.
The Spacey version will never be seen.
How many of them blinded someone, and got away with it, again?
Simple, plainly stated facts don’t get through their concrete skulls - of course they’re not going to be swayed by satire they can’t even grasp, or even watch.
Nonsense. They did all they could within legal boundaries.
They were doing their best to draw attention to a problem, in an imperfect situation. They can’t just openly accuse someone with second-hand info, that would have opened them up to all kinds of legal action.
I didn’t dislike Andromeda, but it didn’t grab me, either. I played through the first few worlds, put it aside when life got busy, never picked it up again. I will eventually, but I feel no rush.
And the main MacGuffin for the whole show was embedded in her head. Things were never going to go well for her.
Yeah, her death was absolutely integral to the overall story.
I feel like she’s really wanting to let The Bride out.
And yet you seem incapable of seeing how the 26 bodies doesn’t fit your narrative.