
I know a guy who, to this day, insists he would have been able to stop the theatre shooting in Aurora years ago. Despite the body armor, strobing light and smoke - he just knows he would have pulled off a perfect headshot.

Well, this is ‘Murrica.

Only one was going to win. Grown ups understand that sometimes you have to make such decisions. They also know how to spell.

I am, and that doesn’t change the words you claimed I didn’t read. But nice back-pedal.

You said “paragon of integrity.” That’s a bit more than “more honest.”

If you cannot see further than just the primary, and see the damage they’re doing, there’s no point even engaging with you.

And backing their preferred candidate isn’t “rigging.” No votes were changed or blocked, they just put their support behind the person who’s platform they agreed with, and who, also happened to be

So popular, he didn’t get the votes.

What, you expect people to look things up? How last century...

“The DNC makes the GOP look like a paragon of integrity here.”

She was an asshole, but anyone who thought abstaining from voting for her over trump was a good idea, is still an idiot.

Uh.... okay.

Again with presenting your imagination as fact.

Questioning “evidence” from a compromised source isn’t lying. Maybe look that word up, too.

When did I lie?

You sound like a trumpster.

Yep, that’s about the level of response I would expect from you. Have a wonderful day, you big hateful idiot.

Well, yeah, thats kinda my point. Im not the one claiming my opinion as fact.

You think nuanced thinking means gross speculation...

The irony of your statement is... impressive. That you are unaware of how is hilarious.

Ok, so now you’re dumping dumb assumptions and hypotheticals on top of your faulty reasoning. At least you are consistent.