
and that I probably shouldn’t turn up before work

It’s some pretty major and impressive changes:

So, apparently there has been a pretty huge revision in the Mormon Temple Service:

I find you pretentiously hilarious, the endless joke that keeps on giving.

How does creating a database do that?

How does creating an on-line database lay claim to anything?

I don’t know Solis, I just heard about him and his book on NPR. I am sure you’ve read it.

What size knitting needle do you consider “normal?”

You have apparently decided to build an identity as a 13 year old edge lord. I would suggest that Reddit is missing its village idiot, but they aren’t missing you.

Your weak sauce expressions of hope show a serious violent streak AND a complete lack of knowledge of sewing needles.

NPR is for people who don’t care if The Young Turks approve of our reading material or not.

This has never required a court ruling.

This is an article on their Facebook page today:

It didn’t preclude Ted Cruz or John McCain.

Oh no, I think Cardi B farted on Instagram and you missed it because you were over here.

If 2016 taught us anything is that the far left will go hard and loudly after anyone not named Sanders.  

Rebulican backed federal courts have been blocking Trump.

Cruz settled those.

Define “as good as.”