Now do we understand why Nancy Pelosi should be Speaker?
JD McPherson was on Fresh Air. He sang songs from his new Christmas album and chatted. Both he and Terry Gross were fired from teaching 8th Grade.
Generally speaking, it’s easier to train singers to act than it is to train actors to sing.
Comey was called to testify before the House where, apparently, he was asked about Clinton’s emails. I kind of feel like an appropriate punishment would be for Comey to get grilled for 7 hours about Clinton’s emails one day a month for the rest of his life.
Just a reminder: This is the most Grammy nominated woman of 2018 (2019):
Six friggin Grammy nominations for Brandi Carlisle including Album, Song and Record of the Year. Also, Margo Price got a nomination for Best New Artist.
Eat your own boogers, eels.
Honestly, this feels ore like a Sick Sad World thing.
Yeah, I was just going to point out that, after complaining that 32,000 a year was a disgrace she is going to be paying 32,000 a year.
I think the Dollhouse is like The Spice Girls where it’s a band and each one has their rap identity/lazy porn name.
I would like to see us move towards a more social leaning society like most of Europe, but the first major sea change we are going to have to make in America is paying for shit. The thing that scares me the most about people like Sanders is this who concept that you can have free Health Care and free college tuition…
I have been a Democrat longer than you have been alive. We still have to pay for stuff.
Sorry, that should end in a period.
The Good Place got a fourth season?
So, Emma Stone is going to star in a movie about Pongo and Perditia humping?
The NPR story is about green card holders who’s military status was in limbo. They get to go to boot camp now. It’s a good thing.