Stormy Weather

Photo of suspect.

I'm just here to say that I've been reading Jez for about 6 years now, make a shit ton of money, am about to get my Master's on Thursday, work for the 2nd best university in my country in a great position for my line of work, have a house and a cat and I'm a put together person. I also recognize that I've gone through

At 22, I was selling all of my belongings that I could so that I would have enough money to eat and had to quit my job because I did not even have enough money to get to it. My phone was shut off so getting interviews was nearly impossible. I know money doesn't solve everything, but my lack of it had been a major

So, um, I'm drunk on multiple bottles of wine right now BASED ON THE ABOVE SITUATION. HIGH FIVE! Someone? Anyone?

"And so I ask you: What am I supposed to do?"

Don't try to hide it- it's futile and it makes a situation that doesn't have to be weird immediately *become* weird. You'll notice the theme of most of these stories is that the guy tried to sneak his penis up on the woman in question, and yeah- at that point, there's going

The smartest thing Kathie Lee ever did was to slowly become her own Kristin Wiig impression.

Right there with yah. I tried, I tried so hard to read the book. But I couldn't. It is awful. The entire time I watched the trailer I kept waiting for him to turn into a psycho stalker/killer to represent his true character. Also, that music can be quite foreboding... But, Jamie Dornan IS sexy, and I think they could

At 22, you're not a "kid" in any sense of the word.

My thoughts are extreme people are extreme and people with ED have ED. Veganism can be a vehicle for both but does not cause either. I'm a vegan who did follow her and respect her choice, even though I sometimes instagram my kale :)

I want to climb like a monkey all over him and put flowers on his beard and never ever come down to earth. Swoon.

Just because Bedouins don't build suburban gated communities doesn't mean nobody "lives" there.

Those are the eyes of a crazy person. The expression says "Why yes, I WILL boil your bunny".

Or lips that are so accustomed to being pursed and pinched together that they don't know what to do on her face when she momentarily relaxes her python jaw.

Now playing

Yeah, when my dad made the mistake of complaining to me about how "The Gays will destroy the sanctity of marriage", I sent him this:

You have a feeling? Yeah, I'm pretty sure the SOLE motivation of this show is to display a bunch of pretty stuff (weddings! flowers! pretty white lady with nice teeth!) and then WATCH IT ALL BURN, BWAAA HAA HA!!

I really wouldn't bother with white people opinions on try to explain then they feign ignorance because honestly, they can't understand complexities like this. Yes, maybe Neymar really just wants to straighten his naturally kinky hair and dye it blonde for the fuck it. He has changed his hair a lot as

I'm not a troll asshole. I genuinly ask these questions because I don't know the laws regarding surrogacy. I didn't state she's not a parent because she's not the biological mother, I asked of she could even seek legal custody because her husband can always argue her egg wasn't used and his sperm was indeed. I can see