Stormy Weather

U G L Y, you ain't got no alibi, you ugly, yeah yeah, you ugly!

Well that just depends on several mitigating factors. First you have to consider the brand of the tampon: was it a bargain brand, like soke-ups from the Dollar Store, or are we talking a real nice, high quality, small batch production Tampon tampon? Second you have to allow for variance, it depends not only on the

Does she make it by sticking iPhones in her pants?

AKA if Jezebel commenters understand what patriarchy and sexism are, yet don't understand what racism is, they're being willfully ignorant.

Since you asked so nicely, here's a favorite:

I think they found it threatening and just pretended to be offended.

perhaps her costume was misguided. i agree however in her stance against the "right wing, confederate flag hanging, openly misogynistic" students at her school. if i were to see the confederate flag as a woman of color, i would be highly offended too and perhaps feel the need to rail against it.

As a white male I think she missed a couple of details, like a natty light in one hand and her dad waiting in the hall with a high-paying job.

Let's just clear this up right now. Racism is unidirectional. There is no "reverse racism" just as there is no "forward racism".

I came here to have a discussion with people who read and comprehended this article. As I look through the comments, it's clear that those people are few and far between.

You're wrong. People like you (and there are more of you than anyone would like to admit) are what's keeping race relations from progressing.

She's 21 and not a child. But of course because she's a young white woman we can continue to excuse her behavior because of her youth whereas young PoC accused of crimes are called adults the second they turn 18 and sometimes before.

Nope ..Not always when she started her career as the magical unicorn i.e only brown face in mainstream movies i.e Cross Roads with Brittany Spears and Centerstage ,She only identified as Latina (vividly remember those interviews)

I want to star this, then delete it and star it again over and over!

Unless you are ok with being his side bitch.

Look at the tagline for this site. We also like videos of puppies and the twitter feeds of celebrities.

This is probably on every gay dude's tumblr right now.

you KNOW that was the best thing to do - delete all his contact information, block his ass from your on-line life.