Stormy Weather

It's always hilarious to me when groups that are BY NATURE exclusionary suddenly realize they do need more followers and so need to at least appear inclusive to the people they want to gain while still trying to exclude the "undesirables." Yes! We're young! We're hip! Oh, no, not the black hip, the white kind. Yes

I want to be able to rock a feminine bullfighter-esque outfit someday. So great.

Brb. Booking my flight to Turkey. I'm Greek... we can get our hate-fuck on. :)

Um what? She's exceptionally beautiful. The original post didn't single her out for being black or even say that "she's pretty for a black girl" BS. I'm black, and I get this that this girl is striking because not all people - black, white, or in between- have bone structure or facial proportions like that.

I decided you have the best screen name of anyone. Then I thought about racial representations in Tolkien. Now I have fallen into your screen name like it's an essay. Bravo.

Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

Tell it to the neuroscientists. "The wealthy do, it turns out. And the poor, and the middle class. Parents of all ages and ethnicities do it. Mothers are just as likely to do it as fathers. It happens to the chronically absent-minded and to the fanatically organized, to the college-educated and to the marginally

I'm glad it never happened to you. It's happened to other people. Smart, caring, people, from across the human spectrum. Also: You sound like a dick.

Neither butter nor coffee are paleo, never mind the MCT oil. Paleo diet people are so ridiculous. YES I'M JUDGING.

A truly wise judge would have followed the example of Solomon, and ordered that Dan Snyder be cut in half.

I don't even know you, but I know you're better than what he wants for you and you deserve more.

Qick question. I'm German and we are required to put all personal information on our resume. I'm thinking of taking a big risk and taking my birth date off of it, but it's on all my degrees. How do you get around that? I'm so envious of Americans. Just the stupid money you save from not having to put a photo alone.

Also: HUGZZ !!! for days. We've all been there. And by 'we' I mean everyone, even those of us who won't admit it. So hard when we feel a connection and the other person acknowledges it...but won't go where we want to, too. Dealing with the repercussions of a similar situation from years before *still*... I feel your

Right, my point is that "room temperature" is really a myth. They're not really served room temperature, just not straight from the fridge cold.

Honestly, I would run for the hills. Maybe bang him a couple more times but then bail. It all sounds too emotionally messy and I foresee heartbreak.

Neither do I. If it's any consolation, us blacks have to be adamant about applying regular lotion everywhere, else we'll get the ashy side eye from other blacks. Ashy hasn't killed anyone yet, so it's more like apples and durians.

It's a big deal because colorism in the media effects everyone. To ignore the effects of white supremacy in many of these places is just ignorant. There is history behind why people whiten their skin and relax their hair. Books are written about this topic. Classes are given on it.

I think social media has become much more about image management, and less about sincere on-the-fly expressions. That might account for the less-social feel.

"It is never acceptable to hit children. Any sane, responsible grownup would have walked away and alerted someone at the school — to start a paper trail."