Stormy Weather

Regardless of their lounging utility, which I think we can all agree is nonexistent, the concept of leather jogging pants. utterly confounds me. Those three words seem like the antitheses of each other in every conceivable way.

Exactly. I think she's punking Miley and the whole industry.

For a group of people who keep insisting that Black women are nothing but ugly whores, you sure do seem to like to dress up as us a lot. I'm going to need all you white girls to quit it with this "mistress epps" shit.

Now a warning?!

You stay strong, iron kitten - you are speaking the truth. I have been part of many platonic opposite-sex (or one party gay) friendships over the years. When between single people, there is often a component of unrequited love/crush, even subconsciously, for one person or the other, and what works fine one year might

I'm going to agree with you here, I want every interaction with him to be above board. I have two really good friends that I pretty much introduced and they got married. He and I had been buddies, would talk casually at his job (bartender). As soon as they got married, I ran interactions through her, I didn't text

Protip: the answer is racism because "the women who do vote Republican" are....75%+ white. I hate that it's true, but that is how they compartmentalize so easily. There are some other factors, like Jesus, but even "fiscal conservatism" boils down to, "but a black person might get something I don't think they deserve

The gold chains, nose ring, pitch black skin and more don't clue you in, confused "Black" girl?

My mother is a straight-up farmgirl with an intermittently abusive extended family. One Christmas when she was in her early twenties, she ended up at her uncle's (her mother's brother's) place. She couldn't go home - her mother was with her abusive third husband - and she knew that she was always welcome at her

Again, ridiculously oversimplifying her actions as to obfuscate the motivation behind them in order to make it fit into your analogy does not make your analogy correct.

Actually, it's often the 'feminists' that are misinformed, underinformed, or extremely reductionist and confrontational. The term and identity are often hijacked by people who use it for personal grievances. It's a mishandling of the term and the movement.

Exactly; the negative connotation is so strong.

I'd guess its her way of stating they robbed a poor person. I have to say, being poor and not having a smartphone can suck, especially if you are young and everyone else you know has one and is used to them being the status quo. I miss out on a lot of things because people put them on FB with a mass message or

I had a similar experience. It was the early/mid 90s and Cyndi Lauper was performing at the House of Blues in Los Angeles. I was wearing a cool button of her from the early 80s. In my Chardonnay-juiced mind, I thought it would be a bright idea to give her the button, but I couldn't get close enough to the stage. So at

As a old feminist, I'm trying to figure out when prostitution and sexual objectification, especially self-objectification, became good and empowering things. That's just going from one extreme to another. Most prostitutes (oh, excuse me, "sex workers"), don't feel empowered and don't want to live their lives in the

It is truly amazing to me how easily and quickly a collective lack of reading comprehension has turned what was plainly a metaphor addressing the viability of women as artists within an industry into an episode of "slut-shaming". It's almost as if these buzzwords being regularly batted around by the perpetually dumb

As far as I'm concerned, there's a vast difference between using the verb *prostituting* and using the noun form to label someone a *prostitute*.

As a society, we have been sorely remiss in not using shame enough. Shame is for behavior that is reprehensible and intentional. There's too much blamelessness and lack of taking responsibility for actions. So many people issue non-apologies for wrongs they have knowingly committed "I'm sorry if you feel bad/hurt" is

Comments like this are why I don't like Jezebel sometimes. Yes, it is okay to shame someone who is being a horrible human being by disowning their child.