Stormy Weather

Not to mention the fact that these slum-tourists are utilizing resources that exist to help the homeless (shelters, free meals, etc). If this is real, this guy is a complete fucking asshole. Hopefully we will find out more soon, as I just emailed King 5 News about it.

Why is it that as our country seems to be grinding to a halt environmentally, financially, and politically, we've become more and more inwardly focused? We're not going to be politically engaged, but we will become crazed foodies? As if the food will purify us and protect us from all the bad things happening around

Picky eaters are self-centered dicks and I have no patience for them. Stop expecting the world to cater to you. If you refuse to eat mainstream food, learn how to cook and leave normal people alone. A peanut death allergy is one thing, and I am respectful of that. Kinda not liking something, PRETENDING its an allergy

Honestly, I think she's being encouraged not because she's right, but because these black artists have been around the block. They know what sells. And they are acutely aware that attaching themselves to her sexual revolution will earn them press, possibly fans and definitely money. I think it's a calculated (if

No one on this thread has said anything about her body. And I'm not really sure why you're so worked up about people commenting on her body - the chick is selling it. The woman is selling rubber replicas of her pussy. She begging to be commented on.

Speaking as someone who by 1pm this day alone has scoured her face with exfoliant, wrapped a wire-rigged contraption around her breasts, jammed a thin piece of cloth directly up my ass crack, covered my legs in skin-tight synthetic fabric that sucks in and cramps my stomach, bent my feet into points to tiptoe around

Oh boy do I dislike this attitude and Gawker is really the place I see it the most. People with more money than you have the same hopes and dreams and feelings and are allowed to get upset when someone trashes their property. I grew up very comfortably - am I allowed to be sad that my dad is dying even though I'm

I've often wondered this too. I know the initial/"rapid detection" testing has gotten advanced enough that it's super-duper rare for a positive result show up six months after an initial negative test, but it still seems like playing with fire in the porn industry. Hell, I'm not a porn actor, but as a child of the

it's racist because a) ghetto is never used in reference to poor white people, b) race and class are often conflated in the u.s. because while a majority of the poor population is white, it's disproportionately black (if you compare it to the % of black people in the country vs whites), c) the politicization around

Now playing

Yeah I don't get it. Why is she trying so hard to be ratchet? This is a great video concerning this.

I give you the complete absolution you require. You did something a tad irresponsible - but I doubt he gave you anything, and you're taking the correct measures to make sure that he didn't.

I saw my first in-person black person...gosh, I must have been 16 or 17. I'd never been to the US and didn't know a lot about the US. Yet, A Different World appealed to me because...are you was interesting. It dealt with issues I could relate to, as a young woman growing up who wanted to go to university

I hate to promote this bullshit ass comment because I can't image how dense you could be to make this sort of statement but she was flat out REFUSED the ability to purchase something, based on the fact that she didn't look like she could afford it! Oprah is a billionaire, rich people buy expensive shit, that always

Well the issue is that even if you are successful and rich, if you are also Black you are still less than.


Well, that's it, civilized society. You had a good run.

Hm. If only people felt this passionately about clean air across the board. Maybe instead of vehicles that burned fossil fuels would have energy efficient cars, a tax code that doesn't give ridiculous tax breaks to companies that mine natural resources, and public transportation that would be better nation wide.

A question for all those out there who are in or were in recovery: any thoughts on harm reduction vs abstinence?

I'm with awkwardturtle, S'Mores poptarts are little nightmare monsters lurking in your pantry, waiting to coat your mouth with their hellish combination of chocolate cardboard crust and plastic marshmallow creme filling, the cloying taste of which will not be purged from the roof of your mouth for at least 24 hours