Stormy Weather

Hail Satan!

Meher didn't use the word racist until her final paragraph, and then it was as a joke. She's not calling out "racism", she's talking about improving the ways we communicate about differences in ethnicity. Consider how nuts everyone has gone this last week alone over race. George Zimmerman assumed Trayvon Martin was


At least in a petting zoo you would get peanuts.

Yeah, I worked at Denny's for almost a year. This sounds like a dream job in comparison to getting shouted at by trashy people who weren't going to tip me.

My basic reaction to all of this.

It does blow. And you can't say anything about it because OMG THIN PRIVILEGE. Well that "privilege" sucks. I spent 10 minutes sitting in a Target children's underwear isle sobbing quietly because I couldn't buy a pack of fucking UNDERWEAR that fit in the regular women's section, as Hanes XS is now 2" larger at the

I'd have to say having a guy say "it's all in your head" wouldn't be a relief, mainly because I've had it happen to me in the past and it was (in hindsight, sadly) a BIG flag for me. I'm not sure how to not turn this into a racial thing, but when you're not white, and your white BF says "it's in your head," it's kind

I love this girl. Not in a sarcastic way. In a seriously-think-she's-awesome way.

Ok so this has never happened in real life, but I've visualized it enough times that if things were ever going to go down, this is how they would go:

An aged white, of course!

I just....this isn't really the point. I've been a non-Asian in Japan and yeah people get curious about you, but sometimes they have never met someone like you in person. With this we have black people, whose families have been in the United States sometimes for hundreds of years, and yet people still react to them

You're the second poster who's said that recidivism rates for sex offenders are high. Studies I've read have reached the opposite conclusion. A 2002 US Dep't of Justice study found that the recidivism rate for sex offenders was 5.3 percent (for sex crimes) and 43 percent (for non-sex crimes). The overall recidivism

I was always jealous of other girls who had these, but we didn't have a lot of money growing up. This app is clearly just the natural extension of Dear Diary.

OK. This will make me crazy for the rest of the day, or until I can try to figure out how to find it on the interwebs. There was a book, a woman? a man? was raped by a dolphin. Carl Hiassen, maybe? Aaaarrrrgh!

I have been traveling tons for grad school this year, so I totally feel your pain. By the time I hit August, I will have spent more time away from home than home. I am a terrible introvert, and it doesn't help that I usually get sent to the middle of nowhere where there aren't people around. My biggest problem is that

I used to travel a lot for work. Sometimes I would be gone for 2-3 months at a time and I loved it, well not so much the airports. When not working I would go to local museums or check out interesting architecture. Check out different restaurants. I really expanded my tastes in foods that way. I was lucky that my job

Okay, so, I'm chiming in because I also work with youth with disabilities and relate to your (I'm an educational accommodations consultant and academic coach).

I'm not sure what it says about me that I thought "you had me at cunt punt" before I got to the end of the article. I have never heard the phrase "cunt punt" but I can't imagine life without it now.

Minks are assholes. Seriously, they are quite mean animals. I don't tend to have a problem with humanely raised and slaughtered animals being used for fur, but if I wore a mink it would be because I had bested that little bastard in some feat of cunning.