Stormy Weather

To answer your question, here is a podcast called bullshit jobs. I think most managers are useless, especially if there are in bureaucratic position that amounts to little more than making others fill out paperwork.

And his daughters were with in the Capitol as well. I can’t even imagine the fear that he had for his remaining children. 

Was is AOC on her Instagram? The way she described not being able to trust the Capitol police because she knew some of them were in on it broke my heart. And then she said she was scared the Republicans that were in the secure location with her would give the mob her location so they could assassinate her and I wanted

Honestly, that is what made me not want to watch the 3rd season and I only came here to see if I was missing anything.

I wish I could be surprised by this, but I’m not. I was fired largely because my manager hired me with the sole purpose of doing the grunt work she didn’t want to do (inventory) or couldn’t do (anything computer related) so that she would look good. Instead of failing as she refused to come to the office and offered

I freaking love Tchibo! Anytime I’m in Germany or Austria, I make it a goal to go to Tchibo at least once (more if I’m there for several weeks since they change their offerings on a weekly basis)

No you fucking can’t claim the ethnicity of the people that raised you unless you actually are that fucking ethnicity.

My last normal was in Austria with a friend. We ate inside restaurants and drank inside bars. It was cold and I planned on going skiing after our meetup, but there wasn’t enough snow.

But isn’t that exactly how that works? If he was in fact infected with Covid? If he was infected, then he should have antibodies, which is what we are trying to get people to have, without actually being exposed to the disease.

I actually like my dressing to made from sweet cornbread. That way, you have the delicious salt from the giblets and sage with a touch of sweetness. My mother tried not to make dressing one year and I threw a fit. She never tried that nonsense again

Rudy was walking around New York during 9/11 because he stupidly put the police headquarters in one of the Twin Towers, after they were attacked once with a car bomb in the basement. He literally had nowhere to go and the PR machine transformed an act of supreme stupidity into a story of courage. 

Then I guess it makes sense to change it if a person’s first emotion was lack of gratitude

Thank you Brandy!

Born and bred NY’er here. Everyone in the city always hated Trump because he was known as being new money and low class. The Bloombergs and likes always shunned him and he hated it. Even though Ivanka is prettier and there are some powerful Jewish Republicans, I can’t imagine the true old money society will welcome

Or move abroad and ignore them. Has thus far worked for those who were privileged enough to do so.

I wrote that in response to a Facebook friend (I have since deleted). She posted something that essentially said, get with living or get with dying. And I pointed out, many people assume that they will be among those that live and few assume that they will die, which is so arrogant.

I have yet to experienced a better feeling than riding a bike in a skirt or dress, where the gentle breeze cools parts that are usually covered by multiple layers of fabric.

As a child, I was forbidden from wearing red or dark pink becaus ehtey were, as my mother called them “whore colors”.

Because race in America is largely defined not just by your lineage, but also appearance. He is a black man with a white mother because he looks black. If he was light enough to be racially ambiguous, then he would be ‘mixed’. And if he was so light that you could not tell he had a black father, then he could be

My mother raised me along with my black brothers and one is very much like Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock with his long standing anger towards mom raising him instead of his absentee father and the other brother has picked up some nasty habits from the 1st one in terms of disprecting our mother because his life isn’t turning