Stormy Weather


Put out clear messages about what Democrats stand for. And if the can only say they are Republican light, then that Democrat deserves to lose.

Why am I still gray?!?!

I have nothing of value to add to this conversation because I would rather go to bed hungry than eat a bad meal. I don’t like wasting my calories on bad food

I’d much prefer an email where I can set up a filter and have it sent to my junk folder than a call that I have to actively ignore.

Most of those gins are unfortunately flavored with berries and taste like cheap perfume. 

I’m in one of those countries and I’d be here than in there in the US. Yes, we had a total shut down, and while our numbers are increasing, they are nothing like the US. And since we did shut down, we have been able to open up again. We will probably go into another lock down after the holidays, but I’m ok with that

Because they run the gamut, it’s even more necessary to show all the shades. Cleopatra is just one of many that only shows the lighter skinned people 

But ethnic Greeks are also dark skinned.

She may have been Greek, but news flash:

I don’t know you, but I love you. You are a beautiful human being whose bunch of cells is just what the world needs at this moment.

Congratulations dear!

Less than 10 percent of Spain was exposed to the virus and the virus totally overwhelmed their hospitals. Exposing 60 percent (which is the smallest number possible for herd immunity) would decimate this country. Oh, and do you volunteer as tribute to be one of the unlucky ones that either needs severs medical

Why is asking people to take safety precautions so controversial?

I won’t believe anything until they go to the polls and confirm their positions with their votes

In my life, I’ve had a number of interactions with police (I grew up in the hood), from flirting with me on the block (that I shut down real quick because I follow the advice of Biggie Smalls) , to filling me and my underage looking friends with alcohol in a bar, to arresting me for a bullshit charge, to one buying me

Yes! The perfect peach or nectarine is sweet and crunchy. As soon as it turns soft, I have to cut it up and put it in something because biting into soft fruit makes me want to gag

Events, administration, hospitality, so many industries that women outnumbered men in were usually low paying and now totally decimated. 

And you have unlocked the reason why black girls are often the sidekick to the white stars instead of being the star themselves

How can you understand making a rule that “underlings” can’t look at you? I’ve had the pleasure of working in entertainment and have made eye contact with maga stars, including Liza fucking Minneli who smiled and winked at me instead of flipping out.