Stormy Weather

Like your sister, I am convinced I had it. Unlike your sister, I traveled extensively around Europe, by bus and train, through the countries that were experiencing it the worst and even had to self isolate until my very mild symptoms were gone for a full 7 days. But I still wear my mask when I go out in public

but no one can say for certain, because it’s too early for the research to be clear.

Shit, I’ve had several. Let’s stroll down memory lane and recount them all

My boss, who I deeply admired, tried to say it was like the flu and we need to get back to business (I’m not in the US btw) and I was so shocked. I had to explain that while the flu may have killed more people in total, the flu has been around much longer. And most are annual rates. Covid-19 has been around for 5

It looks like the new normal will require social distancing and a complete change in how we socialize for the next year, at least.

I’m not sure that’s much better since that means rape has been normalized in their household. I won’t even put statutory in front because it was rape, plain and simple

I honestly have never been more disappointed in an artist. Her concert at Central Park was free, so perhaps her lack of enthusiasm could be attributed to that. But Roskilde is the largest festival in western europe and has had major artists, like Rolling Stones and Bjork, headline. And she was just as terrible. My

Now playing

The only thing I can add to this conversation is (besides the question of why the hell am I grey?!?! I made it to the majors and someone took away my sponsorship) this:

Me too. I think what she did to him was awful and borders on unforgivable. Like, it is terrible that you molested a child, which by itself will have life long implications. But then you got fucking pregnant with his child, several times!!!! WTF?! Like, let’s create a living, breathing reminder of you physical

If you really want to make yourself depressed:

the deaths of an estimated 54 000 000 people to do it...

It does! Thanks for the tip =)

How long do you let the chickpeas soak after you boil them? I’ve made falafels from dried chickpeas before and they were just little too hard for my liking

that is f fucking brilliant

it’s not quiet anymore since I saw the video (if it was real) of the military moving bodies away at night that they didn’t have the capacity to store in their usual mortuaries 

The worst racist incidents I experienced in my life occurred in Scandinavia. Because there are so few people of color without refugee backgrounds (there was a huge wave I believe in the 70's), many people in Sweden and Denmark will assume you are a refugee if you are a person of color. And since they are so far

My brother always has a hustle going on and took him till his mid 40's before he found stable employment. I never give him a cent. But, I would totally buy him a ticket for a funeral because really, it’s not that serious and I’m not that petty. To not do it for his own mother’s funeral is some grade A bullshit

Then he could have, and I know this is a radical idea so just hear me out,

I hope so too. I read a story in the NY times about the British press and one of the asshole photographers actually said that Harry should get over his mom’s death since its been 25 years.

I have a Sony phone with Android OS and and iPhone. The pics on my Sony (especially the selfies as a dark skinned woman) blows the iPhone away. But iPhone has a great portrait feature that I wish was standard on my phone