Stormy Weather

I went to Sephora to finally buy makeup like an adult. It was in the summer, when my skin is much l darker than in the winter. And bless that sales woman who found a foundation that matched my skin so well, it was magical

I truly do not understand the toe nail / foot horn situation

My grandmother died the night Bush was re-elected. My mother chose to wake me up with the news of both events. Getting out of bed that day was a challenge, to say the least

Thank you! These aren’t cases where the evidence against them is weak and their penchant for underaged women unknown. I honestly think their defenders want black men to be free to rape like white men instead of accepting the fact that people should just.stop.raping. people

Oprah was raped multiple times and impregnated by uncle during her formative years, so maybe she has reason to go hard after Black sex abusers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I believe that Ben is old money and I definitely felt like that had a lot to do with them calling off the wedding

I’m also sort of looking forward to menopause and i feel like a freak even saying it. I don’t want kids and with my IUD (best BC ever!!!!!!), my period is 7-8 days long with intense cramps. I’m happy and grateful my body is healthy and strong. I just want to stop dodging babies and planning my wardrobe abound my period

I worked at an ad agency and one of the higher-ups was banging the other senior person. Then we hired a lovely graphic designer that he had the hots for. He was such an asshole to her once she very clearly made it known that she was not interested in a man that was old enough to be her grandfather. When she confided

When I started college, I was so scared to take out loans because my mother had only finished paying off her loans in her 40's and as an 18 year old, that knowledge almost made me crippled with fear. My counselor said it was perfectly normal and that’s what you had to do to get a college education. Thankfully it was a

Are you saying you met a random drug dealer on the street, who then made you chaperone him to his transaction???

I used to live in Atlanta and my outgoing personality attracted people from all walks of life. And there was one night a person I am sure sold illegal medication made me come with him to make a delivery at Creflo’s house. It was far too late for it to be a Christian delivery. Make of that what you will

In fact, I would say that would be the most satisfying way to grind one’s axe.

I actually love them so much I just did a google search.

I used to have a pair of black sandals that were very similar to these. I wore them everywhere and no one could tell me I didn’t look amazing. And then I wore them to a club with a hidden incline and fell face first in front of the drag queen performing. I never wore them again

I think the idea of minimalism, like so many things, has been taken to an extreme. I hate the idea of getting rid of everything beyond the most basic of necessities and just buying what you need when the need arises and living a bare bone existence. I hate knick-knacks (or dust collectors as my mom calls them) and

Dude (girl)

I used to go to the 92nd St Y (not the ymca, but in a similar vein) 75$ per month. Not cheap, but still worth it

Wow, so much judgement, so little reading. Read the article, then comment. Bad oldnorth!

I have intimate knowledge of a very high end kindergarten where I live and all the things you mentioned sounds like marketing material for the parents. Go with the cheaper place if you feel that your child will be safe there

I turned on my computer mainly because of this foolishness (not logged into my account on mobile) As if colorism is not a thing in the Black community, with the added identity issues he will face growing up, I’m appalled at the ease with which commenters are discussing their disappointment in a BABY’S appearance.