I just have to assume you have never been impoverished to feel so comfortable criticizing other people’s decisions
I just have to assume you have never been impoverished to feel so comfortable criticizing other people’s decisions
I can’t speak for others, just myself, so here is my humble opinion.
I just wanted to say, I love you
I loved our rent controlled, LES apartment more than I loved him. And cried like a child when I broke up with him, because I had to move in with my mom in the outer boroughs.
I was just talking to my mom about my brother. He doesn’t have a college degree (he passed up a scholarship to stay with his hoodrat girlfriend), cannot hold a job for more than a few months, and at 42 has almost nothing to show for his 4 decades on this earth besides bruises and scars from brawls. My mom and I truly…
I was doing high intensity cardio and working full time with no indication I was sick, until I got so sick night and woke up feeling too weak to even get myself to the emergency room. It was pneumonia and I had to stay in the hospital for a week. I had no idea and thought the nurse was joking/ mistaken. Until I…
The only “star” chef I had any personal experience with literally snatched a plate a food from me, while I was eating from it and threw it in the trash because no one told him there was a delivery for him at the front of house. Mind you, I had no idea what was going on in the front since was in the kitchen eating. But…
Married with Children
I thought they were being sarcastic
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. If you feel that the author is attacking all teachers, you need to work on your reading comprehension. Many teachers are not racist. But many are and it does no good to ignore the ones that are since they have direct access to children at a very vulnerable age
Sorry, people are shady and disgusting. And for something like makeup, which is impossible to disinfect, you should not be able to return in. But if a makeup is high-end, then they should have enough confidence in their product to make tiny testers. Just enough so the client can get a feel for it, not enough for them…
At least all of the characters were open with their depravity
Then that $600 is not just SNAP. I used to work with HRA and I know the guidelines. So either you are lying about the amount or mislabeling it all as SNAP/ food stamps when they are receiving other government payments
you are lying, unless they have about 10 kids
what the fuck does her being married have to do with it? She got a producer credit for Sex and the City, which is why she may have more money. But they have both been acting for ages and have been in iconic/ cult movies, putting them on the same level as far as popularity goes.
I’ve grown up poor in America, so I feel like I have “lived in the trenches” as you may. I think the writer is one of the few people that can actually see the writing on the wall. That country is fucked, it is only going to get worse, and i literally thank God every day I was able to emigrate from there years ago.
I had no idea who he was until today. Thank you for this, made my laugh out loud like a drunken idiot
I would argue that they are both on the same level regarding riches and fame since they have both been acting since the 70's and Kim has consistently been in poplar movies and TV shows.
Um that girl sounds like a right bitch. Sorry to be harsh, but she was so mean to use all of you for her adventure abroad, but didn’t deem any of you worthy enough to respect your time together. At least she was honest because I imagine she would have treated you terribly once she was back with her “real” friends