I got a smile and thumbs up from Liza Minnelli!
I got a smile and thumbs up from Liza Minnelli!
I understand where you are coming from. I just think it’s a combination of circumstances that allowed you to exploit the hesitancy these men felt in trying to take advantage. Some just want an easy victim. So if you prove yourself to be a challenge, you’re golden. But, there are some for whom the fight makes it more…
I remember during an interview, how Tyra would tell him to leave her friend alone because he would literally stalk Kimora’s fashion shows and sit in the front row
I was very fortunate enough to work one of the olympics for GE. Dude, the parties were unbelievable, and once your duties were done, you had free range. I can totally see how his coworkers were in the dark. And if he was in Beijing or Sochi, he would have a small crew of Chinese or Russian natives showing him around…
No, they try to explain the dark skin with coal dust now that people complain about it on social media. But Black Pete was literally Santa’s slave. I know this is awful, but I have no love for the Dutch and this is just one reason why
I’m an internet stranger and I am happy you are here
Three years ago, I was sleeping in an unheated store front after my roommate kicked me out via Facebook. And I had no job, so no money to find a proper place. When I tried to stay with a friend for a few weeks until a live-in nanny position opened up, she was so terrible to me that I left her place went back to the…
I was gifted a bunch from a woman who got them in Korea. Thanks for reminding I need to use them, I know what I’m doing tomorrow =)
Thank you! I love CArdi B, love her to bits. But we have to admit her music is trash and I can’t believe she can call herself a rapper with the simple flow and terrible lyrics
I’ve often heard rumors of domestic abuse in their household and I always wonder if they are true and if he has resorted to violence because of unaddressed anger at her for raping him repeatedly and bearing his children before he was even in high school
I am thankful for all these things, except the bad tattoo. I really did get a prison style tattoo because the guy needed to practice and I liked him enough to be his canvas. Not the worst thing and i still got a cool story out of it =)
I don’t have a driver’s license, I’m from NYC =)
Makes me happy I went to a poor liberal arts school that was a haven for all the misfits.
O.M.G. Just stop.
This first time I came across LD was in that terrible movie Tiny Furniture where she ***Spoiler***
Thank you!
When I’m around other people of African descent who have their culture and language, it makes me so sad and angry. I had a guy ask me what my background was (he was Finnish) and i had to explain that they didn’t keep records during the slave trade, so very few African Americans know their ancestral roots. And for a…
You don’t think it a bit weird to do that next to your friend?
I work with children and the 2 year old I watch has only recently learned how to feed himself with a spoon without getting it all over his face/ hair/ clothes. So I sincerely doubt a 1 year old will have the skills to insert so many marbles into an orifice of their body that does not include their mouth. Mayyyyyybe…
I don’t do facial recognition software advertised as filter apps, and I will not do this. Companies can’t even keep your credit card info safe, I damn sure ain’t trusting them with my DNA