Stormy Weather

I have a friend/ associate that is pretty cool and laid back. Until he gets drunk and then he can become an asshole. There was a rumor a few years back that he took a woman back to the shop he worked at (he’s a mechanic), they were drunk/ high, had sex, and then the woman freaked out and told some cops that he raped

Many years ago a family member got me a job in the state and the entire took sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. Maybe about 6 months in total. I took the blood test, fingerprints and then nothing. For months. My family member said that she didn’t know when they were going to start filling for the position she

Fuck that guy and love yourself, seriously. He doesn’t get to be friends with you after he started a relationship with someone else, while he was dating you. And he doesn’t get your emotional support while he tells you about the new chick. It hurts and it will hurt for a while. But do not let the pain of being newly

American currently living in Europe here.

I moved to Copenhagen for school 7 years ago. I now work and make much, much, much less than I did in the US. But, I get to travel a lot more, and the money goes a lot further. Best decision I made and I have never looked back Do it while you can, you won’t regret it

This post is old, but so what. There was a summer years ago where we hit 100 degrees in New York multiple times. The heat plus the humidity meant it was a bumper year for water bugs aka palmetto bugs. One night, when my mom was on a date (I was about 8 and my brother was 12), about 6 of them came into the apartment.

Raises hand

I had no idea. Saw her for the first time in one of my favorite movies, The Last Mistress. She was absolutely incredible. So sad her personal life has been so difficult

My mom and I just went to Italy and I literally said to her before we arrived, “they will treat us like poor refugees, African prostitutes, or stupid Americans. Let’s hope its the last of the three.” She hated it so much, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get her to come back for another visit

Thank you for this information, I thought I was the odd one being able to have a “surgical” abortion done at 6 weeks

I just replied to someone else saying that I had a surgical procedure and it was fairly straight forward. I guess there are advantages to being in a major city

I had the surgical abortion, but I could have had a medical one. At the time, it was still a fairly new procedure and I didn’t want to go through that at home. I was knocked out, but had to wait sooooooooo long for the anesthesiologist to show up that i started crying after waiting so long. I remember the nurse being

I have, but never felt the need to contribute since I have this space =) I will say that I am so very, very happy that I had mine, I have no regrets, and am thankful I was able to end a pregnancy I was not ready to carry to term

I had my abortion at 6 weeks. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks before when I thought my period was late and it came back negative. The only reason I took another test was because I know my body and I knew something was off. Plus, I’m a hypochondriac. So technically, at the time of my abortion, my period was only

OMG, yes! I am 5'2" and when big dudes try to bully me, I flip the fuck out. Like, really? You’re going to bully a WOMAN that doesn’t even reach your nipples? Fuck you, I will grab the nearest weapon and get at least one good hit if you swing at me

Did he do something to them or knows of something done to them. Because my heart will break if he touched them wrong

Oh, I paid for it. I couldn’t pull myself out of bed all day Saturday and still felt tired this morning


I have lived in a place like that and it was so freeing. My current home does something similar and it gives me the courage to try more things because if I get hurt, I can afford to get the help i need. The fact that the US still does not have universal healthcare is one of our biggest shames. People in other

This reminds me of a text I read by Pierre Bourdieu. When discussing the petit bourgeois he stated that many turn to bitterness in old age when, after leading a life of continuous sacrifice, their dreams of riches and grandeur never materialized. This was years ago and I stuck with me when I started to see it