Stormy Weather

My greatest sadness is that I have but one star to give for this amazing video

Yeah, it would have been soooo much better to joke about this with your friends than to tag the people that were directly involved in the incident

And his comments are thoughtful, well written and witty. This imposter has none of his flair and I believe it’s someone trying to ride his coattails

Gurl, my mother and I got into it about Cosby when she insisted that some of the women were making it up. My response, “So what if even 10 are making it up? Why is your first response to focus on the liars and not the 10 that are telling the truth?”

My mother is visiting me and my self esteem is tanking since she feels the need to constantly compare herself to me to make herself feel better.

I’ve worked in TV and asking for cap sleeves is pretty small. Like, I was yelled out for bringing the producer the wrong color tape. Which he did not specify until I brought what I thought was perfectly acceptable tape. Damn near brought me to tears

Um, Kim has been working longer than some Jezzies has been alive. Seriously, she was in Porkys and that came out in 1981. By all accounts, she is a lovely person and the only negativity that has been associated with her has come from SJP. So, I think you need to recheck your facts

Summer camps are a very american thing. I talk to people in Europe and it seems most go on family vacations during the summer holiday. I’m from NY and was shipped to a sleep away camp until junior high. Then I took prep courses for HS. And then summer school to make up for the classes I skipped during the semester

Bullshit. I have lived in Europe for almost ten years now. Y’all know that the word is fucked up and is one of the worst insults to call a black person. You just pretend not to know to absolve yourselves of guilt when you do use it.

OMG, I’ve seen the German version of this show!!!!

I was with a shady guy in ATL that had to drop off a package at Creflo Dollar’s house. Make of it what you want (sniff, sniff)

I hope you’re doing ok and have a good support system around you

But still not worse than the dildo my ex boss gave his assistant at the company Christmas party because, “You don’t have a boyfriend”

I’ve had one for about 3 months now and I am so happy I finally got it. Yeah, it can be messy when you have to empty it and you really have to be comfortable sticking your fingers inside to get ensure a proper seal. But in spite of these cons, it really is one of the best things I’ve bought in terms of feminine

But it tastes like the devil’s toenails if other more powerful flavors aren’t paired with it

That’s why I signed up for a similar program where I’m at. It’s too costly and wasteful to buy all the ingredients I want for a specific dish when i only cook for myself. The pre-measuring and access to different vegetables that I can’t get at the market where the selling points for me

how about a taper cut? That way you get the illusion of thickness in the crown and the shorter sides has a slimming effect on the face. And then keep your two strand twists and fluff them out. Plus, it still looks good when it grows out

This going to sound harsh, so know I am not saying this to be mean or rag on you.

I got a diva cup!!! Not an actual “Diva Cup”, but a menstrual cup with a closed hoop at the end instead of a straight point and I am so happy. Seriously, this thing is amazaballs. As long as you make sure the cup “pops” open after insertion, you can go so long without leaks. Thank you Jezzies because the only reason I

Silly girl, you think they actually care about police brutality?