Stormy Weather

OMG, I hated, hated, hated the immigrant. Cotillard's character made me want to punch the screen


This may not win, but it was only the second story I read that made my jaw drop. So. Fucked. Up.

You're an asshole

I have said many, many times that if I had frozen instead of fought, I'd be a rape victim rather than an attempted rape victim.

Throw myself off of a mountain to impress a pilot. Then hiked down that same mountain since he's so into adventure sports.


OMG, I want that same outfit as my wedding ensemble too!

"In a perfect world I'd spend the whole week sitting on a basket full of discardable towels and smoking opium." —I love you

First of all, back.the.fuck.up.

As a person that has lived in Denmark and seen a lot of the same problems you've described, I have to say that your perception is definitely colored by the people giving you info, more so if those people are not people of color. Immigrants are over represented in crime statistics largely because they are investigated

He kissed me!!!! Was years ago, but it still makes me swoon

OMG, I am almost 35 and I just had the revelation that exercise makes you feel good last week. I'm not kidding. I went hiking because I just felt like it and could not believe how happy and good I felt when I finished. That's when I finally knew that people liked exercise, not because it makes you skinny, it makes you

But Iceland air doesn't feed you, nor supply free booze. Never again

I see the same argument regarding cost and time when people mention adoption. But isn't surrogacy also prohibitively costly? You have to pay for the medical care of the surrogate, out of pocket, and also an agency to find an appropriate surrogate to gestate the child. And if you use yours and your partners material,

OMG, just shut up already. You have added nothing of value to this conversation and I honestly am sad that I wasted a few precious minutes reading your comments in the hope that I would find one redeeming statement.

I got banned for going in on someone that was talking major crap about me being religious. And what made me so angry was that the commenter's history showed a pattern of being disrespectful. I, on the other hand, had been a commenter for years and always provided respectful and intelligent commentary. But I was banned

As a black woman, I agree with you. The republican party of yesteryear like Goldwater repubs, yeah, I can understand aligning with them, sort of. But the republican party of today? No.Fucking.Way. They hate women, minorities, gays, and the poor. They are not the nice guys, at all. And if you belong to any of the first

Nope, nope. nope. She should not be in charge of his finances without anyone looking them over. Have her unlink her account and get access to his. She can pay his bills and someone in you family can make sure she doesn't drain his account. Nothing about this sounds right, especially the listing herself, a non family

One of the reasons I broke up with an ex was because he would do this to me when I wanted to eat food he described as poison. He once called me stupid for getting dessert in a restaurant and I flipped.the.fuck.out. Never again will I date someone that even thinks of policing my food.