Stormy Weather

The fact that one of your options is shoot and hope for the best is disturbing

I am using my skin tone because it IS a defining feature. Your identity is shaped not only by how you see yourself, but also how the world sees you. The world sees me as black first, everything else second. That blackness comes from my African ancestry, and my passport and citizenship is American, hence my designation

In a perfect world, if a criminal is holding a hostage in front of himself to act like a human shield, the police would NOT shoot the hostage in hopes of hitting the criminal. They would negotiate or hire sharp shooters to take him down. They would attempt to subdue to criminal while still protecting the innocent

But this argument ignores people whose markers are much less elastic. I am a dark brown African American woman with a Portuguese father. My skin will not lighten enough for me to be considered anything but black, so black will always be my race since that is how others classify me. I can claim the European ancestry,

Girl, everyone goes through some shit at some time in their life. For me, having my friends around that were able to literally pull me out of bed and say, "it's going to get better," and have a few tangible, actual suggestions on how to proceed helped out immensely. Plus, the ladies here were really good when I had

Preach! Since I've started reading Jezebel, I've worked for international companies that have paid me to travel to over 8 countries, completed my master's degree for free, from a top rated university in yet another country, and lived in 3. But if you read my latests posts, you'll only see that I have recently hit a

So horny

I know this is heartless, but human lives trumps ducks, ALL THE TIME. Sorry little tasty ducks, but hit the fuckers if doing anything else will put other human lives in danger. If she had left them alone, someone else would have probably hit them and there wouldn't be a story.

No, just no. AA does not let in minorities with mediocre grades. It helps minorities with the best grades from their underrepresented school, which may be slightly lower when compared with schools from more affluent areas. I.e., an African-American student from the South Side of Chicago with a 3.8 GPA and no AP

I am so backed up, I feel like a goddamn cat in heat and seeing that monster cock certainly did not help. F*ck!

That was so mean. But I'm a horrible person for laughing =(

And I was recently corrected, her parents did pay the full tuition. So I guess she is just another rich kid

My mistake then

Thank you! I think she is awesome beyond her years and would totally give her all the props if we ever met. If she's that brave, smart, great in HS, imagine what she'll be when she gets older. My heart swoons

I'm pretty sure she there on a scholarship, unless I misread the article.

If her coloring was the primary reason for anger, I seriously cannot role my eyes enough. She's not an exact match, but I know the right stylist can recreate Aaliyah on such a close canvas. Aaliyah was fairly light skinned. This actor's coloring is only off by a few shades. Let's keep our anger for Zoe in the awful

She dented a car after she was bodyslammed. And the reason why race comes into play because there were several people that committed the same "crime" (it's in quotation marks because I'm unsure if it's actual crime or violation according to their law) and the only person that was stopped was a woman of color.

Your situation and hers are entirely different and here's why: You knowingly broke the law and was clearly told what your infractions were. You were not singled out and I can assume were spoken to and treated with respect. She was stopped for an infraction that is debatable on account of the construction. She was not

I just want to say that I had the very, honorable pleasure of crossing paths with the legend that is Liza and when she saw the excitement in my eyes about being so near her star, she turned and winked at me. Best.Day. Ever.

And she got pregnant with his child, while he was still a child. I would love to be a fly in their house because a part of me wonders if he's engaging in mental abuse towards her in retaliation for the earlier sexual abuse.