Stormy Weather

I'm not a mom, so take my advice with a grain of salt. But I think should look at her maturity and intellectual ability more than age. So if you think she'll be ready to start kindergarten, even if she is the youngest, then do it. But if you think she would benefit from having more time and preparation, then you have

Couldn't find a Friday meme, so this will have to do

I understand the point you are trying to make, but your statement, "that African Americans from poor neighborhoods do not always have the best grasp on the English language," is almost as insulting as Pisa's.

Why don't you sound like a fantastic person to hang with instead

Here's my advice after dealing with difficult family situations. Never leave money there. Period. My mother's husband stole 300 dollars from me and I never saw that money again. If your sister feels comfortable doing that once, she'll do it again.

This is not the books, this is not the books, this is not the books.

The gals of Jezebel help me feel sane when I think that I'm the only one dealing with a specific problem/ condition/ question. You are never alone here =)

And this is why I stay a part of this community. No matter how freaky I think I am, there is usually at least one Jezzie that has the same issue

Not just you, I came here to say the same thing. My vag is "juicy" for lack of a better word. Great for sex, not for jeans. So if there are people that can go months without washing their jeans and not have the problem of a strong crotch perfume, more power to you. But I am not that person.

Page was taken down, I keep getting sent to my newsfeed when I follow the link

I honestly would have kicked him, hard. I have a very, very urge to protect my personal space and I know with almost total certainty that if someone was on the ground trying to look up my dress, my reflexes would have kicked in and I would have kicked him with all the strength of my horse legs. Motherfucker would have

Glad to help. And the issue is not about being black enough, which is unfortunately what many people have reduced it to. It's about showing respect for the life story of the character. By choosing a person that looks exactly what Nina fought against, what she was punished for not looking like, and created an image in

I'm going to assume that you're being sincere in not understanding the reason why people are upset. Even though there are many, many responses that eloquently explain it that you have missed.

Thank you. How she though she could ever convey the raw strength and beauty of Storm still fills me with rage. She was an African princess for goodness sakes, an African princess!

My commencement speaker was James Earl Jones and everyone was happy with him. He even closed with, "May the force be with you."

There was the most handsome man that worked in the supermarket near my house. He looked like a 6 foot tall viking with blond dreads, that were actually neat! I mean, the one time I looked him in the eye, he literally took my breath away. We would scope each other from afar. But we never spoke and then I left the

MelUK answered and I wanted to piggy back off of her. In most places, you have to prove that the food had been properly stored at a hot/ cold enough temperature to prevent bacterial growth. Since that can be difficult to prove, most shelters simply refuse to take cooked food from private citizens. Some have deals with

Thank you! I can't believe how many people have starred her offensive comments.

I damn neared died when he was fingering the little thief in the cave. Love him!

If you haven't yet, I suggest you read his book. Made me love him even more