
And sometimes, the initial “fix” is little more than band-aid code to give them time to do a full Root Cause and permanent fix investigation. And Band-aids are just that, triage solutions to buy time.
People need to understand that AAA games are literally millions of lines of code, all separated into modules that

I expect the $13k is to reimburse subsequent transactions for the character that the third party did after acquiring the character, which may not have been able to be refunded to the third party by the publisher.

The owner of the spreadsheet isn’t going to be able to hide behind the Facebook defense. Facebook is able to separate itself from liability because they provide a forum for people to write their own content. That spreadsheet isn’t a Facebook page with users writing their own content (with their own authorship claimed

So, you’re OK with an unknown number of innocent people suffering unjust punishments as long as we’re pretty sure we’re catching all the actual bad guys in the process? “Acceptable Losses” and “Collateral Damage”? How much of that ratio are you comfortable with? 20% innocent? 50% innocent? 90%? What is the

“Law enforcement is NOT equipped to handle these types of crimes, at all.”

Any type of hearing to determine if a crime has been committed should not be held to “greater than 50% chance”. It should be held to the same standard as the actual criminal system “beyond reasonable doubt”.

Having said that, this is a school administrative hearing, not a legal hearing in a courtroom controlled by