
@Loranys: Yeah, I dashed that off first thing in the morning, and having gone back and looked over a lot of the comments on the article, I realize I was pretty glib. A lot of women have been through some horrifying experiences, and it makes me question what goes on in our hosiptals and medical schools that so many

@miss.terious: Just do a lot of research now. Make sure you love your doctor/mid-wife and that you've worked out all these issues before hand. Hard labor is a bad time to be talking episiotomies, pitocin, forceps, etc - make sure you know what these things are and when they might come into play for you.

@katabell: My mom did it just fine. Of course, her c-section was deemed necessary — she was in active labor for almost 2 full days and wasn't dilating enough, so they cut.

Rape? I don't think so. Gross negligence and malpractice? Bingo.

Ugh. There is a lot to complain about re: way women are treated by hospitals and ob/gyns, but the only time it is appropriate to use the term "birth rape" is IF SOMEONE RAPES YOU WHILE YOU ARE GIVING BIRTH.