
Gotta love it. Seems this is a fairly common enthusiast vehicle in Japan based on my Google-fu. 

This is a fucking joke. Sometimes, I think the Tesla bashing around here is completely merited. 

Go figure. You probably won’t see this comment because not only am I “grayed”, my comments don’t even show up under “pending approval”. However, on the off chance the you do see this, understand that stating your opinion isn’t exactly embraced on this site unless it’s the exact same opinion that the piece’s author

Or...don’t move there. 

Just here to once again get bumped into the grays. 

I mean...this has to be tongue-in-cheek, right? The man is still the last American to achieve a podium in F1. This was also in an era where the McLaren had tremendous teething problems and there were serious doubts as to whether there was actual parity between the two cars. Combine that with the fact that testing was

Well played. Bravo.

Of course this isn’t factoring in the substantial down payment required with most leases

Awesome. EA is going to ruin another franchise. 

I think you hit the nail on the head with your final line: “...if F1 ultimately decides to walk from Montreal, it’s not like it’ll be a huge loss for owners Liberty Media; it already has Istanbul lined up as an alternative, anyway.”

We’re well on the other side of the shark already...

and doesn’t notice the difference in feel and the LOOK of the gun in her hand? After 26 YEARS she doesn’t feel the difference?”

At minimum manslaughter. In my opinion (after reviewing the footage and being proficient in firearms myself), this was an accidental/negligent discharge. Accidental or not, that’s no excuse. She should serve jail time. A police officer needs to readily distinguish between lethal and non-lethal items. 

Wow, that’s quite the leap you’ve made there... 

At no point in her letter was there any regret, remorse, or even an offer of condolences to Wright’s family.”

“Never reneged, never will”

I guess the solution is to just let him go? Resisting arrest with this pending:


The entire tone of this piece paints this particular situation in a light where the officer intended to murder Wright. Frankly, I think that is disingenuous (at best) and does nothing to advance the conversation regarding racism in this country. I mean, you gave plenty of examples above where police violence was

Man, been on this site for over a decade - check the fucking receipts. Seems that I’ve been bumped to “The Grays”.