What?! When Ken Shamrock snapped, I really believed it.
What?! When Ken Shamrock snapped, I really believed it.
This whole fiasco got me to finally watch King of Kong and wow is that a good movie.
Gimme a break!
I mean, he’s cool but rude
WCW/nWo Revenge
so you are certain that no massive cheaters have been elected? how about managers who directly benefitted from the massive cheating?
“Last Christmas” is fucking GREAT, but also super sad.
You people just can’t rest with being cynical... If it’s a cash-in, sure took them long as heck to make it. At least wait until the game is out. If it’s actually good, it being a cash-in wouldn’t really matter, would it?
One might argue that the willingness of people to fund Mighty N.9 showed Capcom that there was still money to be made with Mega Man.
Mega Man X Collection AND Mega Man 11....colour me genuinely surprised that Capcom actually seems to be righting the ship they all but sank a few years ago.
Is it wrong to say that I like X over the core series, 100 times out of a 100?
On my fuckin’ SWITCH!! Are you KIDDDING ME! Where I can PLAY them ALL the TIME!?? On my NINTENDO SWITCH.
God, I think I spent more of my college years drinking and playing Rock Band with friends than I did going to class.
Heather, nothing you wrote there answered the guys question : “The developer made the decision that they will make more money from those micro transactions than they will lose from people who are turned off from future purchases. That’s the same calculus that goes into any consumer product”
For me it’s less about trust (I do not trust many people) and more about respect. I play well with people I respect. If they do something to lose that respect, the effort that goes into supporting them as a teammate or partner feels wasted.
This is why I play with the voice chat off.
The only “health bar” is the progress bar that pops up if you die. It will inform you how many phase of the boss you got through and serves as a really good indication of how good you did.