Good looking Jeep at a great price? Pick ME!
Good looking Jeep at a great price? Pick ME!
“Last seen leaving Cars and Crashes”
More like Cut-less. All kinds of nope going on with this deathtrap.
Do the oppo-Stig so we can call him the “black Doug”.
It appears Oversteer will have a nice base of readers to start off with as we sneak a peek (sounds dirty, like we are cheating on Jalopnik). Best of luck to you and keep the great articles coming from your new home Doug!
Looks like the front isn’t the only thing sloping... from the rear it has a nice lean to the right. For that price though lots of room to sort out the gremlins!
The engine and wheels are the only thing valuable in that odd looking Toyota.
I’m surprised it took this long to put a (turbo)diesel in a Jeep. The massive amounts of torque when crawling and mudding is a huge plus.
It’s missing two wheels...
Going back to Ferruccios roots.
It wasn’t worth $5500 brand new.
Why are the photos a year old (and the interior photo 2 yrs old)? Hiding the rust from the frozen tundra?
This is a hard to swallow CP. 12 year old AM whose V12 has 66k on it and no mention of service records? At least it’s a 6 speed so you can roll your own to the garage!
Road trip! It can’t be but a couple thousand miles from Philly to the Zion Lodge! That’s child’s play for the Aston.
Crushed velour seats in a fighter jet, I’m in!
You had me at Quattroporte. Beautiful car at a great price. The clutch isn’t an issue unless you are abusing (read- using the paddle shifters all the time) those paddles. And Maserati is probably the only company that can get away with naming a car “four-door” and make it sound sexy.
They still made these? I haven’t seen one in years.
I want to give this a NP, but I had an ‘85 back in college. Good car with the five speed, but I can’t imagine the auto being any fun.
Sarcasm isn’t your second language?