
Rodney Davis was appointed by the local Republican party to be on the ballot after Tim Johnson's conveniently-timed resignation after the primary last year. Erika Harold is getting a lot of flack from the local Republican establishment for daring to run against their hand-picked candidate, including warnings about how

"If the article was just professional achievements and no mention of her beef stroganoff readers would be left scratching their heads wondering who the real person was underneath the rocket scientist facade. "

Hear, hear. I've visited that museum, and the main thing I took away from it was the desire to demonstrate that Berlin's Jewish people are not a vanished population defined only by the Holocaust, but a vibrant group with a long history who are still very much present in the city. This exhibit seems like a good way to

But to work with your analogy, the same process that causes the grass to grow in the black squares causes it to grow in the white squares. You could spread herbicide on the gravel and eliminate the problem there, but by using herbicide on the black squares, you'd kill the grass. So you have to use the same

When you say "men don't measure up to societal expectations," how often does that really mean "men are acting like women"? A lot of hatred for gay men is based in misogyny, because if a man is doing something that the patriarchy deems as being for women, then he's degrading himself.

"I can promise you they would have. "

Such a simple thing to do, turning around the question like that, and yet it makes such a tremendous difference. Thank you for phrasing it this way.

I started calling it "Cali" after I lived there and heard the locals (in the Inland Empire) refer to it that way.

The thing is that you assume that women can tell by looking whether or not a man falls into that "small minority." The point is, there is no way of knowing. So it's by far safer to assume that the majority of men have the *capability* of being rapists.

And the reason that women are also chronically underpaid compared to men in the fields in which women are the minority would be...what? According to your logic, women lawyers, computer programmers, scientists, professors, etc., should be earning more than their male counterparts because they are a "rarer commodity."

I think there's two reasons: first, he can be read as casually dismissing women bloggers and their readers as being happy and upbeat, and therefore fluffy or frivolous. Male readers know better, he suggests, and since there's a long, sexist history of dismissing women as flighty or frivolous, this plays right into it.

Yes, why should we worry about factual accuracy when we make generalizations about half the population? It makes the world so boring!

Sorry to hear your Google is broken, Alex. You mean like this? Or this? Or this?

Me too! I don't even remember when we made the final decision anymore, but it was always clear that it was something we were going to talk about and decide mutually like adults, not have one of us spring it on the other.

True. But the two companies mentioned in the original report are Wal-Mart and Nestle, neither of which springs to mind when I think "progressive."

Two of the companies mentioned in the original report are Wal-Mart and Nestle. Not exactly bastions of hippiedom.

To me, the worst part of that whole incident was that she took the blame. No one castigated Justin Timberlake for ripping a woman's clothes off on national TV, which seems to me like something actually worth getting upset about. It was Janet who got the stigma for wearing the clothes that someone else ripped off of

Is the double standard not a moral concept with which you are familiar?