They are censoring myopicprophet so this is his message:
They are censoring myopicprophet so this is his message:
I mean, stick to Tweets, am I right, G/O media?
All right, I’ll be the one to do it.
Are you guys reposting articles because the previous ones filled up with comments about how Jim Spanfeller is a colossal pussy?
He should be in prison for what exactly? Buying drugs illegally? So we can just skip over the apparent mental/physical illness it seems Skaggs had? We all need help and need to destigmatize that getting it isn't a flaw.
Pod Save America is for centrists who like to believe they’re smarter and more ‘woke’ than they really are. Check out the Michael Brooks Show, Majority Report or even some dumb shit like Chapo Trap House if you’re brave enough to learn the ingredients of that Kool-Aid you're drinking.
How fucking hard is it for people to simply change the channel?
You’re a grown ass adult too. Grow the fuck up. Its retardedly autistic to continue to punish yourself by repeatedly putting yourself in situations where you’re going to be offended.
Why are you still watching DrDisrespect, or Tyler1, or TicklemePink or any…
Lot to unpack here, but suffice to say: the world would be far better off without you. Die in a fucking fire, please. Seriously.
Lmao it actually rules that that fat dude knocked his ass out. Fuck BJ Penn.
Brown cannot wait to catch passes from Landry Jones again.
They’ve been usurped by feral hogs, between 30-50 of them.
What I find amazing is that people can clown Melo for this situation, and simultaneously feel bad for Jeremy Lin, who’s going thru a similar situation with far less talent and ability.
Winston: Can I do your torso?
Winslow: No.
Winston: [does torso]
Unfortunately they spun her in the wrong direction for that.