This was a real trip for me.
This was a real trip for me.
It's actually crazy, because I have insanely long and curly eyelashes. When I do wear mascara, my eyelashes look uhMAHHHHzing and I often get asked if I'm wearing extensions or fakes (this is not a backdoor brag, it is a billboard in time square brag get fucking at me) but when I don't wear mascara I might as well…
Or something even more nefarious could be going on. What if someone is trying to pass off a manuscript as Lee's, when it is not?
The scholarly study of that rumor had decided it's not true, though.
Inversely, there is the theory that Harper Lee wrote most of In Cold Blood.
I never believed he wrote the first one. And, honestly, I thought the entire accusation was belittling and sexist.…
I am glad someone else notices this. Everyone I know refuses to acknowledge this.
I used the think they were really adorable, but my feelings towards them have recently taken a very sharp turn into "omfg go away already" territory. She seems like such a fame-loving, clueless mean girl and he just seems kind of dull.
Are you doing alright bro?
this is possibly the most important piece of entertainment journalism in a generation. 15 pulitzers.
Were these fake babies at least made in the USA? I mean if not, then I think a deeper investigation is warranted.
I don't watch Gossip Girl, but that happens to me frequently with Sherlock, MI5, Doctor Who, and Archer. I swear to god I think they do it on purpose. "LOOK AT YOURSELF. LOOK WHAT ALL THAT SEDENTARY CHEESE-EATING HATH WROUGHT. ALSO, JESUS CHRIST YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE 'UNLIMITED' LITERALLY, YOU ARE KILLING OUR…
My arms get tired too quickly. This could be a face-flattening, wrinkle-reducing, arm-buffing event. READERS UNITE
Shit, aging—whether premature or not—is only a "problem" for women.
Why do you think we are so reluctant to give up our neckbeards?
Thank you for saying what so many of us inherently know. If, after the first episode of a new season, *this* is the what people are talking about the morning after, the show clearly has no real value.
Girls is the equivalent of Miley Cyrus; trying to get attention via "shock value" to the point where every "shocking" thing makes people yawn because it's so predictable. And yes, over-privileged white girls that are out of touch with reality.
I thought it was a dumb scene, and I tweeted about it, and then Erin made me write a post because that's how editors work. We don't coordinate our Girls ass-eating coverage with any other site. I haven't talked to the man, but I doubt Nick Denton gives a shit about that show one way or the other. Also, I think Allison…