Clearly you've never read online MRA forums. Those dudes are fucking nuts.
Clearly you've never read online MRA forums. Those dudes are fucking nuts.
This is why women give out fake phone numbers, when asked for her number. #YesAllWomen
I'm so angry, I don't know where to begin.
You've never been harassed in 15+ years in a major city? Bullshit. Flat out bullshit.
When you're a woman, fear is a fact of life. That's not to say we're necessarily scared all the time; it's simply that we're all too familiar with that sudden prickle.
You're very lucky. I live in a city of 4 million people and am regularly followed down the street by men on foot, in cars and on bikes. I am randomly grabbed by someone in the street at any given moment on a regular basis, men and women. Sometimes more than once in a day. People have apologized to me for invading my…
When men are assaulted, are they blamed for it? Accused of lying?
It depends on how you interpret that sentence. Have they all never, ever been afraid? Have you never been afraid in any situation? I'd say fear is a fact of life for everyone.
Where does she say that "all women live in fear"? Was it edited out? What I see now is "When you're a woman, fear is a fact of life."
I'm a fairly strong, badass lady (I do jiujitsu as a hobby, I work security, and so have had to chase, take down and arrest guys who are bigger and stronger than me and I train with a bunch of police force options instructors), but, like Ladeefrickenda, that doesn't mean that I'm going to risk getting into a physical…
The problem that I have with these self defence/anti-rape products is that they work on the premise that your rapist is going to be a stranger in a dark alleyway, when the vast majority of the time its a friend or member of the family. It's a sad reality that we need to be conscious of our safety when out in public,…
You must be awfully blessed to have that attitude. I've been physically assulted 3 times in my life - always in public places, twice in broad daylight. I'm a strong woman with self defense training, so I was able to defend myself and prevail before harm was done, but even with that proven training I feel…
"I'm a guy so I don't know how it is for women". RIGHT, COOL, SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW. being a "badass" doesn't preclude you from sexual assault and to imply that women who ARE concerned about it are somehow weak and paranoid is victim blaming to the max. I have a friend who was sexually assaulted by a stranger at night…
Um, I hate the fact that suggesting women aren't tough if they're afraid of rape is so prevalent. How old are your friends? I'm badass, outdoorsy and strong. I don't take any crap from anyone but I'm not dumb either.
Fear IS a fact of life. That doesn't mean it's present at every second. Death is a fact of life - does it consume your every thought? When people ARE afraid all the time, there is usually a reason. When those people are adults with lots of life experience, those reasons are usually past experiences. To say those…
Bullshit and you know it. But good job victimizing yourself based on nothing. You do realize we have fathers, son's, husbands, male friends and brothers right? We fucking know that not all men are sexual predators, I mean shit.
You (and so many others) completely missed the point. It was suggested that the reason why the Pontiac Silverdome was vacant was because of Detroit's economic problems. The simple fact is that a new stadium was built and the old stadium was left to rot. The old stadium is not in Detroit, and therefore immune to…
Yes, they're all sterile, but where did they get their genes from? Queens who pass the genetic predisposition to this behavior may oversee more successful nests. The trait results in a greater chance that her genes are passed on rather than getting wiped out.
Question! Would these two ants look noticeably different from each other? There is an ant pile outside my house that CONFOUNDS ME! Some are huge and some are super tiny. I am mostly just used to seeing fire ant piles where they're all the same size. (Also these ants are the most unorganized ants I have ever seen,…