
This little gem from War Games. Mind blown.

“A towel, [The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of

Always know where your towel is.

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

Yea, remember when“Anti-facists” were called “The United States of America”? I do, my grandfather was one of them, and his ass spent almost a year in a German POW camp after his plane got shot down over Italy.

Thanks for the updates. Hey y’all, you may not agree with the same tactics, but anti-fa have shown the fuck up to nazis and let them know they’re not tolerated. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking anti-fa and KKK are the same. A diversity of tactics is needed and necessary. Violent resistance to the Klan and nazis

I appreciate the cops letting him get roughed up a bit.

I re-watched “Hateful Eight” recently and she really is fucking awesome in it. Stole scene after scene even when she wasn’t speaking. Even when she was in just a corner of the shot!

She was in a little throwaway movie in the early 80s called Flesh + Blood, with Rutger Hauer (who I’ve had the hots for ever since). It was a very silly historical romance that also had a lot of rape, death and the black plague, but it was scored by Basil Pouledoris, he of the blood-and-thunder Conan the Barbarian

There’s also Oscar Wilde...”by 40, everyone has the face they deserve”.

Now playing

Bright red, check; gauntlets, check; helmets, check:

Now playing

They look like they would take on the Elsinore Brewery from Strange Brew... eh?

If this thing doesn’t yell “And party on, dudes!” I’m gonna set it on fire.