
Where’d the cheese go?

It’s all so 20th Century, isn’t it? It’s like they’re all scared shitless to just let it go.

I just wanted to add that Daniel Squadron is a really, really great band name.

And here we go on the non-stop flight to 1690's Salem.

I love stumbling on these things and have been casually collecting them for over 30 years along with all sorts of ridiculous, presumptuous religious paraphernalia. I keep it all in “The God Box”. Hi-Larious stuff!

It was one of those trailers for a movie that seemed more “Cute” than “Good”.

Ya had me all the way until “Ron Howard”...

This, of course, really has been a brand positioning commercial for the upcoming Trump Media empire.

“I remember when the Deuce was all porno flicks / Running home after school to play Pix.”

... and never mind the cheesy ‘Pirate’s Treasure Map’ title font.

Well now, this looks appropriately ridiculous.

The Mitfords? Never heard of ‘em.

Little Mikey of LIFE cereal fame died from the explosive effects of mixing Pop Rocks candy with soda pop.

Admittedly, I kinda liked the first one (and keira knightley), but I barely made it through the second one and he third one made me feel like I was the one with the contractual obligation. The fourth one? I don’t think I made it more than five minutes before I got up to make a sandwich.

What used to be “Straight to DVD” (C- to F- grade movies) at the video store are now “Straight to Streaming”.

Surely all this residual coo-coo-nuttiness has absolutely nothing to do with co-starring on a TV show with Stephen Collins... 

Thank You. I’ve literally been saying this for two decades.

...goes off to watch The Shooting Party.

From the trailer, it’s like Renee Zellweger died somehow and the Studio quickly threw together a not-quite-nearly-done clone at a cut rate to fill in at the last minute.