
I exclusively pumped for nine months, and bless you. You are not a bad mom for not doing it, and there is going to be a point where the benefits don’t outweigh the negatives. My kid was a preemie too, and never latched. She’s now 8 and great!

Pumping every hour is for if you’re exclusively pumping in the beginning. Then you taper it off a little. It’s to mimic the time that it would be for an actual baby. I exclusively pumped for nine months, and by the end I wanted to shoot someone. Or myself. You will be ok for your class!

I cried when my ex told me he was buying our fetus a Peyton Manning jersey. Like full on hysterical sobs driving down the road.

a month later, but I curry powered my genitals accidentally once.

That was my mall in college. I worked at the old BBW. I went to Immaculata, so I am kind of excited haha

don’t worry sweetcheeks, like most rapists, he won’t see a day of jail or punishment in his life.

Society, not just porn, breeds men that want to humiliate, attack and rape women. I don’t understand your point. You don’t need to be into BSDM to rape a woman.

I highly doubt his career is over. But I will eat my hat if it is, joyfully.

you would be surprised. 90%+ of rapes aren’t reported. It may not be all men, but it’s enough men.

I bet you’re high fiving yourself, congratulating on just how clever and smart you are.