
Also, why does he need shinguards?

Pangs.. of Hunger?

That and Joanie Loves Chachi

Maybe you were looking in Berlin, CT and London, Ontario

Paying will give you more resources and accelerate your progress, but you still have to go out and catch the pokemon. Even eggs are limited to 9 at a time per person, so you can't just hatch hundreds of those at once.

Lilyhammer, also 3 seasons

"Yes. Yes I do."

We also have the "Hello!" one! Followed by less than 10 seconds of music… then "Hello!" again. So weird.

I ain't afraid of no GOB!

"Hey People Eater, watcha thinkin' bout?"

I'm yellow in a neighborhood that's probably 60-70% blue, I think the longest I've held a gym is 30 minutes. It's basically guerrilla warfare.

You can also find areas with free wifi, since the best places to find them seem to be busy commercial areas with lots of foot traffic.

Not at all. It's real-time, not turn based. And you only fight AI, not other trainers directly

Fewer people picked it for some reason, so naturally people hate on it for having fewer people

Yes, and yes. Where I live is probably at least 50% blue, and 10% yellow. Takes forever to get coins when my gyms are taken back by blue almost immediately.

Scrolled down a bit, that live stream of Clinton staffers reading out all of Trump's lawuits is pretty funny

Quadra…tetra… Quadra… Quadratitty! Spock! Quadratitty! *giggles*

I thought this would be about the Stone Farking Wheaton W00t Stout:

both parapsychology and psychology

P.P. Dowd and Pig-natiy Visexistsky