
I saw this article saying that Repubs are only making a big deal out of PP and abortion to drum up their turnout like w/ gay marriage in 2004

Yeah me too! I’m like “FUCK YOU FOR FEELING THINGS AND HAVING EMOTIONS LIKE A PERSON!” It’s better than sex, well easier to get that is.

I hate what the internet is doing to the beauty of written language. “Because _______” isn’t clever it’s lazy. Using “super” four times in a row is simply bad writing.

A majority of Americans (both the unarmed and gun-owning alike) support simple, common-sense reforms like national background checks, restricting ownership to those with criminal pasts (esp. domestic violence), and requiring a license to purchase guns (which would likely mean people are trained to use the deadly

You were the one to call me an idiot and lash out. OP hasn’t even responded to my comment. But you’re sure giving me the business. Cheers!

The person I replied to was you. And I am sure you’re doing amazing work from the Jezebel comment section. But, I won’t stoop to name-calling. I am sure even with your toxic attitude, you are well-intentioned and care deeply. Peace and blessings be upon you.

I know it’s much easier to make college kids feel self-conscious about “microaggressions” than it is to hold business and political leaders’ feet to the fire to actually start paying women equal money for equal work. I know it’s easier to get The Great Gatsby removed from a syllabus than it is to stand in the way of

I do love how feminism has somehow morphed from addressing the actual areas where women are mistreated and into areas of “implied” bias. Any feminist who cares more about micro-aggressions and implications over the real-world shit that women face in this country and others is also a shitty, shitty, feminist.

How the fuck did this ranty horseshit get to the front page? Sanders thinks capitalism is evil? Spend a little less time on thinkpieces and more on fucking research. Remember, Sanders isn’t a philosophy professor or blogger desperate for clicks. He was also front-and-center in the Civil Rights movement during the time

Colin? Is that you?

Whoa, you’re almost cutting everyone with that edge of yours.

In fairness, I think that’s pretty much EVERY artist’s message (one way or another).

What is better or easier than “I want that, so lemme steal it in seconds?” Nothing.

I fail to see how my response to this article was a judgment. And the fact remains that the majority of people using Bit Torrent are doing so in order to pirate copyrighted material. Of course it has other uses, as do most things, but so did Napster, LimeWire, and Kazaa. And I didn’t say that the service should be

How about you don’t promote free software that allows people to steal others’ creative work?

Well Frank Miller also said it was because she was the only being that could take that Super-loving.

His Powers Are Amazing, But Not As Amazing As His Simple and Stylish Disguise!

Uh, no it doesn't. I wish people would stop trying to make fake acronyms happen.

Who from 4chan? Chris Poole? The mods who are (allegedly) volunteers? I am not saying this guy isn't playing to their demo, but to say "4chan" is doing something is ludicrous and proves that you've only done the absolute least bit of research possible on this.

But is there an argument to be made that people like Lee and Salinger have done something a disservice to American culture by hoarding their work and keeping it away from the public?

Put another way, I think we all NEED more Harper Lee.

Also, if the book sells well, it could undoubtedly finance more books being