You're not a doctor

I'm sorry that you've been through all those things, and I'm glad you were able to make different choices. But not everyone is the same as you, and not everyone has the same emotional capacity. Someone once said to me, "suicide happens when your capacity for pain outweighs your coping resources." And those coping

That face is so punchable.

It's like he decides what to wear in the morning based on how racist it will make him look

Dionne, remember when, instead of saying terrible things, you just wore fun hats? Let's get back to that.

This is a woman who admitted fucks on first dates and apparently thinks it's not "immoral" because it usually results in marriage proposals (or actual marriages). She's been married three times and engaged six. I'm not joking. She is the definition of batshit crazy. She did interviews a few years back where she talked

male tearsssssss :'( :'( :'(

Only took two minutes for someone to pop in with "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ".

And men can be naughty and get raped too. You can feel free to replace "woman" with "anyone" in my original comment if it makes you feel better.

Hey Dionne!

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm beginning to think Suge Knight might not be a good person.

Berners are the sweetest, goofiest dogs ever. I don't know if all of them are as dumb as mine but he has a heart of gold!

For 13 glorious seconds, there was nothing but pure joy in my heart. Because dog.

Guys, thank you. ♥♥♥♥ you Jezzies.

She's an idiot fuck, he's a sick fuck

Has the NFL offered the abusive BF a contract yet?

My clit was apparently at the Bed, Bath and Beyond just "looking to see if they had any good sales or whatever."

Goddamn it I swear if I trip over somebody's stray clit I will SUE. Put your clits on leashes if there's even a possibility that it will get up and trot off to the next county. Let's all be responsible clit-owners please.

Between "she reaches around and finds my clitoris" and Nene saying Claudia Jordan's clit has left her body, I'm concerned. Should I put a micro tracking chip in mine?

See, it is literally impossible to make Dakota Johnson memorable in any way whatsoever.