You're not a doctor

I don't think it's that surprising. Middle class kids get less aid because they are "too rich" and unless you are super smart, scholarships are hard to come by. Then if you're stupid like me you take out too many loans and kick yourself for the next forty years.

I'm not a woman , but if I were, I'd need more than $36k a year to handle some old creep's saggy balls.

At first I wanted to leap to my Alma mater's defense,'re right.

Yeah, but I'm going to judge the fuck out of SeekingArrangement and their stupid fucking infographics about how being a "sugar baby" is just professional networking tee hee. Women deserve better than old white oil tycoon penis.

I wouldn't underestimate the power of self-delusion that would let someone doing this think they weren't engaged in actual sex work.

Is there free pizza? If you want college kids to join up with you you HAVE to offer free pizza

In fairness, Arizona State would have been #1 if the site's name was easier to spell.


No college debt, but all of your self worth.

"Gosh, guys, I totally would never have robbed that bank sober. Or shot the teller. Or donated the proceeds to al Qaeda. But you know how it is when you get drunk!"

I can spell "quesadilla" properly right up until I pass out.

Finally! Someone with the courage to affirmatively identify the restaurant without playing silly guessing games like "it's named after a town that's in the same state as another town that provided the name for a famous soap opera" or some equally asinine riddle.

I'm still smiling that Tina and my best friend Amy introduced George Clooney as Amal's husband - as well they damn should.

She has no chill

Everyone did not used to drink and smoke, you know that, right? Maybe they didn't warn against it for pregnancy, but there were LARGE swaths of the population who viewed those things as sinful and decadent and abstained.

I think this has to be in the top 10 most traumatic things that can happen to you. I'm assuming that anyone who wasn't aware that they were pregnant obviously wasn't trying to get pregnant, so on top of going into labour with absolutely no preparation, they have the total mindfuck of now having another life completely

Everything about that statement is my worst nightmare.

I didn't realize I was pregnant until seven months in. I had spotting, which I took for just another annoyance of my irregularly-scheduled period, was overweight, and straight-up did not gain any weight. In fact, I actually *lost* weight, but didn't notice because the kiddo made up for the lost weight, and she was

Either way, I'll be avoiding pigs in a blanket and Chex Mix for the foreseeable future.

Dr. Ashton: master of surprise pregnancy shade.