As a freckled face little curly headed fuck I was getting out of the car to get lunch. Some how I managed to fall out of the car and my foot got caught on the seat belt. I was trapped in an upside down hell. I broke my wrist.
As a freckled face little curly headed fuck I was getting out of the car to get lunch. Some how I managed to fall out of the car and my foot got caught on the seat belt. I was trapped in an upside down hell. I broke my wrist.
At this point, Madonna is just embarrassing. It makes me cringe to see someone so vastly out of touch and tone deaf try to be hip and with it. I hope her album tanks.
Ugh Cathy's always been so jealous of Maddie.
I know right? I was reading it like TYPICAL CATHY.
Madonna ENOUGH. (just imagine I'm using my loud dog voice)
Hahahahahaha. No you don't, no he isn't, and you fucking wish.
The alternative is to let her die. The child does not understand the choice here. She is not mature enough to understand it is this or death. The mother has successfully crippled her emotionally and intellectually, and the child is afraid to cross the mother.
You're too stupid to understand capitalization or plurals; you may honestly believe you understand medical science but that is because you are too stupid to recognize how stupid you are. Society would not be better off if we let people like you who manifestly cannot make appropriate decisions for themselves go play on…
What in the fresh hell are you blabbering on about?
So you are insufferable for a bunch of reasons. Got it.
Big pharma and doctors saved my husband's life. Because science.
I can't tell if you are a troll or an idiot.
Cancer doctors will never tell you that chemotherapy is a "crapshoot" when used to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma. The vast majority of HL patients go on to live absolutely normal lives after a short period of chemotherapy; chemo is essentially the "cure" for Hodgkin's lymphoma. I know several people who have been diagnosed…
Uh, no, chemo is not a "crap shoot." Chemotherapy is a generally well-understood treatment, and success and survivability vary by type of cancer, stage of cancer, age and health of the patient, etc. It's not like gambling. And your chance of surviving most cancers is much higher if you treat it.
No. She will then be an adult who though greatly harmed by a neglectful mother will be beyond help. That does not mean that the state has no responsibility to rescue her while she is still a minor. There is always the hope that when her life is saved, that evidence and the separation from her abuser will have given…
Amongst everything else, I adore him for saying that getting in shape for Guardians was hell on earth, he hated it, and the first thing he gave up on the diet regime was "happiness." I found it far more believable and refreshing then the celebs that go on and on about how much they love dry fish and three hour…
Every time I hear about Chris Pratt, I'm all like:
*sits back and patiently waits for the male posters to jump in and start screeching that we just don't get it, condoms hurt, ok? Like, you can't feel anything ever! And it's too tight! ETC ETC*
I have nothing else to say.
She had her back done.