
Are you being serious?? You really don’t understand how someone gets off on rape stories would do this for FREE? For them, preying on people is like a fucking hobby. I don’t know how much simpler I can make this. Hearing rape victims talk about how they want to kill themselves all day long is what they live for. (This

How, exactly, does any amount of money “make up for” literal damage to the brain?

Right, because a few hundred thousand dollars makes years of living with the feeling of someone ripping into your vagina—and then being betrayed by literally everyone who should have helped you—go away.

And apparently shit-stains on the internet assume we do it because we get turned on by hearing stories of horrific abuse

I’ve worked with many good employees and many bad employees, but not one single one ever gave even the slightest impression that they were even secretly turned on by any of the shit we’ve seen and heard about.

That’s fucked up. And it’s fucked up for you to say something like that.