
FitBit Charge HR because it is easy to use, does everything you need, synchs with other apps and phones. Have had it over a year without complaints, snafus or glitches. What is UP with that...oh, you didn’t ask for my LEAST favorite tracker? Sorry! Bought mine at Target.

FitBit Charge HR because it is easy to use, does everything you need, synchs with other apps and phones. Have had it

And that, my friends, is how you get pregnant by sitting on a toilet seat.

Do Not Masturbate While Seated

This makes me [sic]

Remember that episode of the “West Wing” where someone tried to sue the President for an sudden and horrifying accident? To paraphrase, people “have to go somewhere” with their grief and anger over catastrophic events in their lives. Faded hope sometimes turns to anger and bitterness, and with nowhere to direct it, it

On the surface, Lichdom very much looks and feels like an HD, spellcasting-based version of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, a linear, but very fun first-person hack and slash game from 2006 with combat that felt really, really good. Combat in Lichdom is similar in that your spells have considerable "oomph" to them.