3rd Ward Calliope

A man walks into a bar and takes a seat. The bartender asks:

Victory is only temporary these days. Trump will find a way to break our hearts yet again. Going to go stare at the sun until my eyes break.

Just passed a pigeon. It had no clue what was going on in this hearing. I want to be a pigeon. 

I don’t want to be a human anymore. I want to be a forest animal somewhere nice. 

This has to be what religious people feel like when they realize Atheism is the truth.


I feel like I’m watching a movie written specifically to permanently destroy my mental health.

Mueller flipped and started working for the Russians. That’s what. Haven’t you been watching??


I can’t stop watching this complete and total disaster. I think I’m done with politics after this.

Name of person in headline pic, pls. For research.

Mueller is completely incompetent.

Whoa. Take it easy. It’s ok to disagree with him but cool it with the vitriol. This sort of infighting helps nobody. Well, that’s not true. It helps Trump.

Who invited this joker to testify? The Republicans are not just making him look incompetent, they’re making him look corrupt and politically motivated. I believed in Mueller. I thought he was going to get Trump. He Strozk the f*ck out.

Couldn’t disagree more. He was Bill Clinton reincarnate. 

Yeah, for as savvy as Obama was about politics, this administrative error is nearly unforgivable. Nearly, I do forgive him for it.

I can’t stop watching. How could I? We are watching in real time the intentional destruction of this super fascinating experiment we once called America. The next hundred years will be a waste of time, human purgatory.

I don’t know, and you don’t want me to guess.

I can’t stop watching. How could I? We are watching in real time the intentional destruction of this super fascinating experiment we once called America. The next hundred years will be a waste of time, human purgatory.

Wait... people think that RGB is dead? How... I mean what? Who thinks that someone who is clearly alive is dead? Has Trump gaslit them that badly?