Stop! Hafner Time.

He swapped out that hat for a bowler in the third inning so that the fedora would still be fresh in August.

There is a 98% chance he has unironically used the term “red pilled” in conversation.

Crossover, crossover, crossover pass.

Dick throws ball into dick and balls.

I love how the areas with more than three quarters of the world’s population - Asia and Africa - aren’t even included here.

Seems like it would be more relevant to relate this back to when an actual current NBA GM suggested a version of it instead of announcers for a different sport, but then again I’m not a blogger, so what do I know?


What if they had a single elimination tournament for the final seed but, hear me out, it was entertaining as hell?



Don’t many rural drivers just use their own vehicles and get reimbursed for mileage?

Don’t those rural carriers normally use their own vehicles though?

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

I’d rather have the flight delayed, and then canceled, and then the pilot quits, and then the airline goes out of business, and then the airport shuts down, and then all flights are grounded, and then humans lose the knowledge necessary for mechanical flight, than be on a barf plane.

I think Mike Lombardi is football’s Bill Kristol. Polian is more like Lester Freamon from The Wire. Or maybe more like Buddy Garrity from FNL. Or maybe Lombardi is like Teen Wolf and Polian is like The Challenge.

Can’t wait to see how many more Keep the Chief mouthbreathers come out of the woodwork this year.

I was making an obscure Seinfeld reference. I think Keith is great, and I would love to hear the shit he says between innings all the time.

“I’m Keith Hernandez.”

Ironically, "And we'll never be Royals" is included in every Scott Boras client's No Trade Clause.