
I work in education and I’ve watched the effects of these “rights” for tenured faculty. They act like entitled asses, they say inappropriate things to both students and staff, they know they have this magical shield that protects them and the education system as a whole suffers. The students were correct and no... to

I seriously doubt he’s going to get a free pass on that topic from this site, but I can understand why they’re not eager to lead the charge against him. The shitstorm can wait.

yeah just seems unusual of them to not include it

Surprised that she didn’t talk about this in the article, seems like he is getting a free pass from

Is a movie where black people are all rappers any better though?

i hated that movie! i was so excited for it and it did nothing for me

he’s also stated he will never play a gay character

he was accused of rape along with his best friend. he got off because the woman admitted they had consensual sex the day before. best friend was convicted. best friend is the co-writer of this movie. although i guess that conviction was over turned??

felling conflicted about this movie because of what an awful human being nate parker is

This is exactly what came immediately to mind when I saw the headline.

In the words of the late Patrice O’Neal, Fight Club is the holy grail of something white, the Scarface of white people. It’s self-hate, guilt, the burden of white guys who can’t be men...a fantasy fulfillment for a very particular demographic. (Doesn’t make it bad, but it’s very easy to feel disconnected from it.)

Japan as well, my teacher described it as “active listening”. It's very rude if you don't nod and offer cues to continue.

You just described a majority of conversations I had with my ex-girlfriend. Often times the only thing I’d get back after I finished talking was her simply saying “cool”.

Counterpoint: waiting silently for your turn is some bourgeois white people claptrap. In many, many cultures, speaking over a person is the prime way to show that you’re engaged and listening, and waiting until the person has finished speaking is a sign you’re not paying attention. Coming from a big Jewey

Your obvious disdain for Fight Club makes any point you’re trying to make automatically null.

I have no problem with it, but by looking at your picture, I’m sure you do it far better than I do.

Seems like a strange, snarky, way to basically roll your eyes at women who live better lives than you do.

How bad is one at science to go from smart feller to fart smeller...