
Do you think it’s a good idea for a company to go through the entire process of entering the US auto market just to sell cars in CA? Do you think it’s a good idea to start selling in CA without a plan for the rest of the country?

It also wants to come to the U.S. at some point, but for now appears to be going to countries with the most EV demand, because Nio is also a business.”

Low income workers normally buy new cars?

The pack was brand new when the vehicle was built? What vehicle? The 2021 Model 3 that’s being sold with the pack, or another one that could be as old as one from 2017? I can’t quite make sense of this.

No, and they change them.  If you own a 2008 car, a roll bar isn’t required until running under 10's.  A 2007, regardless if it is the EXACT SAME CAR, requires a roll bar at 11.5.  That number used to be under 12 a few years ago.  

in an odd twist the dispatcher may have actually saved the drivers life since the warehouse was hit by the tornado.

Yeah, I’m so glad that Jalopnik never presents advertisements masquerading as story content.

“Your rights end where mine begin. You don’t get to tell me how I conduct myself,” Jenne said.

Yeah but airtags use the MASSIVE iphone network and are cheap. There is a vast difference between the implementations.

It really is. The Apple Reality Distortion Field is in full force regarding these things.

Those systems are also generally overridden by driver input, so if he mashed down the accelerator in an attempt to stop, the crash avoidance system shrugs and says “well, you know best!”

A lot of those car will probably never come close to production.

The driver of the Tesla Model 3 attempted to brake at traffic lights, but the car instead accelerated.

Meh, seems like a stretch. Uber-rich people all run in the same circles. A passive investment in a goofy company is not a smoking gun. And TIME often names horrible, boring, or otherwise useless people. See: 2016, Trump; 2007, Putin. I’d allow them the dignity of making their own stupid choices.

Jalopnik writing a 20 second long piece on some dude who obviously wasn’t paying attention (Seriously the car barley swerved left and he tanked it into a ditch instead of slightly correcting.... wtf?) instead of properly covering whats going on with F1 right now... is the issue with the site in 2021. There is so much

I know people say space like that is great for purses, but is it really? With no side rails of any sort, it seems like it would just slide around, potentially into the pedal box, and definitely making a mess if it tips over. Not to mention I’ve had more than a couple women complain if I so much as accidentally put

I am not a fan of that empty space on the floor between the front seats.

police chases over trivial shit should stop. “ooh look, his plate is expired, lets chase him!”, “ohh, a black guy in a fancy car”, “ooh, his taillight is out”, “ooh, he cali rolled that stop sign”...  send a ticket with the dashcam video and be done with it.

but this was a felony stop from the get go.  good reason to

In very few cases of anything does anyone ever “deserve” to die. Rather, certain activities have high likelihood of death as an outcome. Perform armed car-jackings and I believe your risk of early death naturally goes up.

Says the guy who has never had a pistol shoved in his face....