
That's not the issue. The issue is when the person or object is in your blind spot (a blind spot that can't be eliminated by tilting your body or adjusting the mirrors, for example a child or object that's behind your car and under the belt-line of it). In that case, only a spotter (it can be yourself if you have a

"That said, serious harm can happen to the battery in my laptop, phone, iPad, etc... None of that means new battery."

Wrong analogy. Because you don't completely discharge the battery to zero and then leave it unplugged for weeks or months every 200 miles either. Try to do the same thing with any type of battery and you end up with a "bricked" battery. This is just a maintenance issue, much like the importance of

Although Tesla did get a $450 million DOE ATVM loan approved (and has taken part of it; the loan is released in stages according to strict criteria for performance), Tesla doesn't get any extra "tax breaks" or "carbon credits" from the US government. Carbon credits don't even exist (the legislation failed because of

Wrong logic. Nothing would have stopped Canada from shipping the oil to China (even out from the Gulf coast through that pipeline) even if we built it, because there is no binding agreement that says all oil through the pipeline must remain in the US (much less a binding agreement that Canada will never sell oil to

"Eh, maybe a little, but a true visionary (in the mold of Jobs, for instance) would create an electric car that could be bought for under 15K (no incentives), have a 400-mile range, and recharge in 1/2 hour."

And the Roadster is ending production soon (not sold in US anymore, but still sold in Europe). But people still like to call any future products by Tesla vaporware.

This is just a continuation of a suit Motorola started before the acquisition (read the article). Not exactly the same as Google starting a suit.

The Volt's batteries aren't actually state of the art in density (in fact, the battery wasn't designed for max density because it has a gas engine as a "range extender"). The Tesla Model S's batteries are (the 85kWh one providing 300 miles of range, which was unthinkable just a few years ago esp. in a car of that

Personally I don't think the exclusion of Google Wallet necessarily violates keeping Android "pure". It's not part of the AOSP, but rather an additional service provided by Google. As long as the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon still supports NFC, I don't see that as a huge loss. I'd be more worried if Google allowed

The X prize counts MPGe. Given Diesel has about 15% more energy content than gasoline (and thus roughly that much more emissions too), it'll be penalized by that much.

I doubt a 0-60 run will drain the battery that much. A higher average speed will do a lot worse (because of wind resistance).

Do you know what part of the FMVSS or other federal law/regulation that states manufacturers have to maintain 10 years of parts and after sales support? I did some research and it seems to point that no such law exists (no source out there can point out the specific law). Then other sources say it is a California

They could use biodiesel if they wanted, and it might still be cleaner than towing.

Only 1% of our electricity is made from oil...

It can be charged in 45 minutes. Hydrogen is the "future" alright, and it'll also always remain the "future". So far there's not production hydrogen car available for sale and I doubt we'll see one soon.

Wha? When did Nissan allocate 50k Leaf's for 2011? Nissan always said the total world production was going to be 20k. When they launched pre-orders, they had only 20k spots world-wide.

Actually I feel this style looks fine, but the chrome lip does kind of give off cheapness.

It's amazing how unclear this article is on this subject, although that's par for the course for most of the articles I have read on this subject.