
Anyone with half a brain would have called ahead or went online to first see if there was a public charging station first. That's what a normal consumer would have done. But Top Gear obviously doesn't want to approach it from that perspective: it's obvious their goal is lampoon EVs and make them seem as undesirable as

EV supporters have this figured out more than the naysayers who like to only point out there are powerplants, but don't bother to do the calculations to see which is better. Everyone knows electricity comes from powerplants, why do people like to point this out and act like nobody knows? This annoys me to no end, esp.

Eh, not that hard to beat the "record" since very few EVs have even bothered to tackle the Ring.

Yeah studios. Apple booted Grooveshark even earlier than Google. Neither wants to get into any potential lawsuits with labels, esp. given Apple's place in music with iTunes and Google preparing for Google Music. Grooveshark itself has pending lawsuits it has to deal with.

That still doesn't change the fact that blaming faults in a part for being Chinese-made is a lazy way out. The media tends to focus mainly on the negative, but for any single faulty part made in China there are thousands of quality parts made there too. Of course reporting on quality parts is not newsworthy.

RAV4 V6. 0-60 in 6.4, 1/4 in less than 15.

That's what pops in my mind too. That seems like a very lazy explanation, when millions of other parts gets made in China and still don't show these problem. There's really nothing inherently less "advanced" about a laborer in China vs. one in any other country.

Even in California with CARB, the emissions mandates mainly affects commuter cars; classic cars are exempt.

That title isn't right either. The iPhone 4 isn't its highest rated phone, since there are more than one. The best you can say is "one of its highest rated phones".

Even if communism can be defined as sociopolitical, its core is based on opposition to capitalism (and its associated class structure). At this point, modern China in no way reflects that. They have let the market run rampant instead, widening class disparity, mainly because the corrupt bureaucrats gain benefit from

Yeah, I'd like more confirmation than two conversations. Should be easily reproducible too. However, the other commenters are right, this would be censorship, not wiretapping.

The nickel mining thing (showing it looking like a moon surface) has been debunked (actually reflects a couple of decades ago, now it is much cleaner). Please educate yourself.

A lot of people feel the same way about the original three (esp. Clarkson), so I'm not sure that's a bad thing for the popularity of the show. You need some pretty obnoxious hosts to make it funny.

It's probably because we don't pay our money's worth. Germany and Japan charges much higher road taxes.

I felt the exact same way too reading it through. It just cut most of the hyperbole and exaggerating wording, but the overall negative tone still very much remains.

It would be catastrophic if the radiation is uncontained, but so far not yet. Even under full meltdown, and if the containment hasn't been too damaged and keeps the radiation in, that would be too catastrophic either. Catastrophic is something like Chernobyl which had fallout reaching very far away.

Elon Musk is certainly has a huge ego (too huge by most people's standards), but that seems to be how a lot of successful executives are (Steve Jobs is the common example). And certainly Tesla makes some of the most desirable EVs, and with the most range.

I'm sure Google would welcome them to the fold as long as they follow the compatibility requirements. If they just hack in something, then it's unlikely they will get official Market access.

I had the same response and normally I don't mind reading long articles, nor am I an Apple fan in any way. I suppose it is because it isn't an article intended for general audiences and I personally felt it went into a little bit too much detail about the specific projects.

If you look up war-driving and how Wi-Fi based location systems work (like how those used on your mobile phone is built), you would immediately understand why they were harvesting Wi-Fi network data with the Street View cars (and no, it doesn't have to do with collecting personal information: think about it, how much