
As long as it can play 1080p videos then usually they label it like that, even if the screen doesn't have that resolution. It's like on my dumbphone, it can play video files up to qvga, but the screen resolution is smaller.

It's a purchase, but it's an in-app purchase. Which means Apple gets 30%.

But then so far, despite all the predictions by analyst that Android will lead to cutting of manufacturer margins, this hasn't been the case if you look at average selling price. []

I think if the Playbook meets all the requirements in the 3.0 Compatibility Definition Document (not out yet), and some baseline compatibility testing, then there should be no problem allowing Android Market for it.

Why not just request quicker recharging then? The Leaf already can charge in 30 minutes, it's not a stretch to say 10 or 15 minute charging will arrive in a mainstream EV (10 minutes already demonstrated but not in a production vehicle).

1) Even though most of the time you end up in the exact same seating position as always, there are times when you shift just slightly for whatever reason (could be when you get into the car, could be adjusting controls or grabbing other objects or repositioning yourself because of discomfort). Those are the times most