
He is not funny, he's pathetic.

Let me explain something to you, 'mate', why do you think the 'typical white christian' (and why call out race??) has a comfortable life?

Oh for fucks sake..your twisting of facts to justify murdering Christians is beyond the pale.

You used the word "assholery"…You are not a writer and this is definitely fake news. You used the word "hate" and "racist" but didn't mention "pedophilia". Interesting that you would ignore the real reason he was temporarily pushed back and make it seem he lost his job because "racist" and "hate speech".

Trump Won.

Agreed on 'death threats', never acceptable regardless of what your political ideology is.

I appreciate your response, but c'mon.

lol. Fake news like 'Trump threw a baby out of a rally!' 'Trump removed MLK's bust from office!' 'Trump uses a knife to eat KFC!' 'Trump prefers charred steak!' 'Trump softens on wall; no wait, he's talking tough on the wall!' 'Trump is a raaaaaacist!' WHARBHGARGHaRLGL! Everyone's gonna die! OMG!

5 blue states turned red for the first time in decades, 1000 dem seats lost under Obama…that's "atrocious". Dems need some introspection, badly.