Stop Being Such a Dick, Grayson

I have a lot of the things on this list for recreational camping but they double as emergency prep. My additional cents: I keep all my larger gear in one big plastic tub so if I ever need to go I grab the whole thing and toss it in my trunk. I also have two other wilderness first aid kits (one in the car, one easily

I came to the comments hoping someone else had already mentioned Bray’s novel. Not only do the young women succeed lightyears beyond boarding school boys, they also explicitly address the ways in which women and girls are pitted against each other in contemporary society. The satire and absurdist elements might be a

The real truth here is that all weird literary events are only 6 degrees (or fewer) from My Immortal on the internet.

Jesus it sounds like you only deal in extremes. The group I play with is brand new to D&D and one of our first big bads was a shitty ex boyfriend of one of the player characters. It was great! It informed the rest of the party about that player’s very mysterious background, it gave us insight about that character’s

This is actually when I wear them. I’d never leave the house with my 40DD boobs in just a bralette but I LOVE wearing them under a t-shirt around my house, particularly after work when I’m just not needing the super intense support of a secure bra but also feel uncomfortable going totally braless. Equal to a real bra?

My camping gear is essentially my disaster kit as well. It’s also the reason I don’t flip a shit when it snow/ices down here in the South. Well made sleeping bags, thermals, and a propane camp stove got my family through a week without power during an ice storm in high school- it’s totally fine for me and 2 cats.

Brooklyn Nine Nine and it’s currently on hiatus.

Except when you consider the abysmal state of NC DMV’s, particularly in urban areas that are centers for POC, where you have to show up 30 min before it opens, stand in line for several hours, and still might be turned away because your methods of ID at the time won’t cut it so you still wasted half a morning. I can

Same. I even worked out a deal with one of my good friends across the hall where if we came to the other’s door it meant “please listen for my class because I need a minute to pull myself together in the bathroom.”

I teach juniors and seniors at an affluent, overwhelmingly white school in NC. Yesterday I put up a gag order on the election, first because I didn’t know if I could talk about it impartially (as I am legally mandated to do) and second because I had a tight schedule for the day.

I feel this so hard. Southern private universities are rife with pastel wearing dudes and it’s not an accurate litmus test for dickishness.

He’s a big part of what pushed my casual Packers watching into full blown fandom. I just want to buy him a beer and have a chat.

But Biden is totally smizing in that photo. (No question, I’d do both)

I’ve met exactly one but she seems to be a fair representation of her siblings, all of whom were homeschooled. Granted her family feels like the exception that proves the rule as they all played on local community sports teams and homeschooled more due to geographical location (living out in the middle of no where


In my home town it’s this giant wall of medusa roots in the downtown park. This thing is everywhere: prom pictures, wedding pictures, “I went to Shakespeare in the park and got drunk on cheap wine while swatting mosquitos”, etc. I kinda love that it’s an organic visual marker rather than a man-made installation.

I think it could be retro-splained as a result of her previous job, the one she had in the pilot, working for the company where she discovered the money laundering. When she went to visit her boss and was framed, he had a decent apartment so it’s possible that she was receiving a decent livable wage as a single person

One of my favorite family events EVER was a Christmas where my dad very nonchalantly made that point to his younger brother in the middle of a living room conversation. The following summer we were all at the beach and he drove home the reality that just because my sister and I (college aged and home from working at a

No More Dead Dogs is probably my favorite of his books and it’s one of those trends that once you think about it, you can’t unsee it.