
“Why should she be obligated to protect these dicks?”

You do you, but this is my choice dick pic response image.


It’s hard approaching strangers, or taking the friendship leap with acquaintances. Knowing that they’re at least open to it, via membership in an app, would be awesome.

I have used OKCupid for this before, and actually have one lasting friendship that’s resulted from reaching out to girls who I am highly compatible with just to see if they want to be friends. At first there’s usually a bit of confusion (especially if they’re straight) but most of the time, I would usually get at

I want to play the bagpipes so badly but I can’t do that to my neighbors.

I’ve never been a big gamer, but boy, do I wish I could get back the hours every week I would spend scrolling through, at various times, Tumblr and Facebook and LiveJournal and Myspace. I’ve mostly managed to quit and have actually written the damn novel I always used to talk about. If you have goals you’re not

Oh, I’d almost forgotten about Carrie’s abortion. The whole episode seemed to be about how men would apparently like to know, and they feel this right to know, and don’t you think that’s a pretty good point, it sounds fair. Terrible episode. Had potential, was terrible.

I don’t, but I think it may have more to do with my gear than anything else. I ride a pretty beat up hipster single-speed from the 90s. I’m sure if I was on a modern road bike or mountain bike, and wore more typical bike gear and whatever, I’d get it... I used to get that kind of “advice” all the time when I rode a

Ending up wearing a “fuck-off” ring comes with the depressing realisation that you’re seen as property as opposed to an autonomous human being with feelings and the such.

Bikram, at least as I know it, is usually practiced in a very hot room; those towels will all be soaking wet by the end of the session.

Oh, I’m so sorry to hear all of that. That’s terrible. I am so, so disappointed that in our culture, a woman’s disinterest is but a mere hurdle, and not a showstopper. Why on earth would you change your mind about someone after being chased/followed by them? What do these guys think is going to happen? This is not

“The Legislature finds that [...]”

thissssss. I rage so hard at anti-choice wingnuts and their intentional use of a medically incorrect term.

Is putting razor blades in your ponytail entirely out of the question?

I don’t think that (legit) nice guys have any idea how aggressive other men can be. I certainly don’t maintain friendships with any guy who would ever harass women out in public; my guy friends are all respectful adults. When they hear how bad some guys can be, it just literally doesn’t compute for them — they can’t

I ride alone quite often in Milwaukee. Almost every single time I’m out alone I get honked at or yelled at or some asshole walking down the sidewalk “jokingly” lunges in my path or reaches towards me (funny “joke” lolololol). I am aggressively ignored when I am out biking with my husband.

ew ew ew. :( what the fuck makes anyone think shit like this is acceptable?

The whole “I’m married” or “I have a boyfriend” thing feels icky to me. It’s certainly safer than “ew, no thanks”, but it shouldn’t be necessary. I’m married, but I could still choose to dance with someone else. Or maybe I’m not married, and I’m still not obligated to dance with somebody I don’t want to dance with.

I just don’t see what he could possibly get out of accusing you of lying! Either you aren’t lying, and you really are married, and you’re ~off the market~ and he should leave you alone. Or you are lying, and you’re still clearly not interested, and he still doesn’t win. Just let it go, douchebag! :(